Discussion Question

Review the ‘triple constraints’ of IT Project Management as covered in this week’s reading “What is Project Management?”


Please address the following 3 questions:

  1. What do you think is the most important of the triple constraints of project management for the UMUC Family Clinic as it implements an EHR system?
  2. Explain briefly why you selected that constraint.
  3. Discuss how you would ensure that this aspect was well addressed to maximize the chance for a successful implementation at the UMUC Family Clinic.

Attached is the readings. Please cite sources and no plagerism. Due tomorrow by noon – NO LATER THAN 1PM.

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Discussion Question

Darlene, age 32 years, has been having back pain for a number of years, ever since suffering a compressed L2 disc as the result of a motor vehicle accident that led to surgery and extensive physiotherapy. Now she is missing time from work as a secretary because of constant pain. Darlene has been referred to the chronic pain unit.

  1. As the nurse working with Darlene, what aspects of disorders of pain are important to understand?
  2. How would you effectively manage Darlene’s pain at this time?




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