Continuous Quality Improvement

A minimum of 300 words is required

  1. continuous quality improvement is that process errors should be prevented or detected at their earliest stage. What do you think is one of the key rules in continuous quality improvement?
  2. An important source of team empowerment is a shared sense of ownership of the sponsor’s product, for example, a new chemotherapy drug that produces fewer side effects for the patient. What is meant by a shared sense of ownership and how is it a source of empowerment for a team member? Create your own example to describe how a shared sense of ownership can be encouraged.

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Paper details

In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, consider the outcome and process measures that can be used for CQI. Include the following in your essay:

1. At least two process measures that can be used for CQI.

2. At least one outcome measure that can be used for CQI.

3. A description of why each measure was chosen.

4. An explanation of how data would be collected for each (how each will be measured).

5. An explanation of how success would be determined.

6. One or two data-driven, cost-effective solutions to this challenge.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required

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