Module 3 Discussion-Sustainability And Program Planning

Required Reading
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Sustainability planning guide. Retrieved from Read pages 13–-31.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Workplans: A program management tool. Retrieved from

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA). (2010). Chapter 4: Develop an action plan. In Planning primer: Developing a theory of change, logic models and strategic and action plans (pp. 26–30). Retrieved from

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA). (2010). Sustainability primer: Fostering long-term change to create drug-free communities. Retrieved from

Rural Health Information Hub. (2018). Module 5: Sustainability of rural health promotion and disease prevention programs. Retrieved from


Sustainability, while often thought of as a separate process of program planning, is a part of the planning process.

Please describe the relationship between sustainability and program planning.
When is the best time in the MAP-IT process to begin thinking about the program sustainability? Support your perspectives.

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