Application The Parse Theory

Jadiam Lopez

Professor Anny Dionne




Introduction overview

In context to the case, a hospice nurse is accompanied by Ben and his wife at the bed with Ben. Ben’s wife, Ann, is resting at the deceasing ground as the effect of IV pain medication endures worsening. The nurse delivers her presence as Ben goes through a hard time as he faces losing his wife. His condition is also worse as he had lost both his daughter and his grandchild, and here, he faces the reality of losing his wife. The case study also provides details on the paper’s information since it explores the overall scope of the parse theory of human becoming.

Implementing the theory

The parse theory is a strategy that focuses on recognizing the man in a combination of physiological, sociological, biological, and spiritual aspects. On the other hand, it acts as a unitary status in mutual interaction and continuous with the environment. It is another option to traditional biomedical strategies. It is also an alternative bio-pyscho-social strategy since it focuses on the individual patient’s perspective on health and general life quality. According to the theory, the nurse’s responsibility is to innovate and create guidelines for the patients and their families.

About Ben and Ann’s case, the nurse should start by acknowledging the family’s reaction and the patient. The responses may include words, silences, body language, and stillness. The patient should feel the presence of the nurse in the room through the expression of shared feelings. The nurse should console with Ben and Ann through facial expression, words, and touch (Kim, 2019). She should also show concern and note the beliefs of both client’s human diverse. She should also provide palliative care aimed at Ben’s transcendence and the quality existing beyond his current situation.

Furthermore, the nurse is obligated to bring Ben back to his senses and understand that human life is free and open. She should also share with Ben in appreciating the meaning of the situation in hand. The family should even understand the importance of life as a personal decision of values, thus upholding how to live and the responsibility of a person’s life’s decisions. The nurse also has the responsibility of a trustworthy presence where she should listen and offer guidelines on the limitations and opportunities available in real life.

Characteristics of human becoming nurse

Three characteristics facilitate the concept of human becoming nurses, which include meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence. The first attribute is meaning, which implies that humans involve honestly selecting specific significances related to structure in the intersubjective manner of living valuable requirements. It also comprises of the environment and man concrete. Another characteristic is the rhythmicity. It articulates in human becoming is co-create on several rhythmical instances. The instances relate to shared practice with the art of creation (Parse, 2018). The last characteristic is termed as transcendence. It dictates that human becoming is naturally co-transcending way above multi-dimensional with increasing potential results. The attribute also mentions joining and forget the restrictions which the individual has laid.

The parse theory provides a transformative approach in dealing with the several stages of nursing. Besides, it completely differs from other traditional nursing approaches since it does not seem to settle challenges.

Strength and weaknesses

There is no single nursing theory that lacks strengths and weaknesses, and parses, becoming human theory, is no exemption. The view offers a considerable difference between nursing and other forms of discipline. It also provides a guidance approach focusing on care as well as the usefulness of administration. The theoretical model is also very crucial in education. It also delivers methodologies on research and provides a platform that guides on other theories’ inquiry.

Nevertheless, the research is termed by the majority of the people as a closed circle. Its research results are almost unquantifiable. This implies that the products pose a challenge in comparing other studies because of the lack of group control and standardized questions. The theory also does not make use of the nursing processes (Hawkins, 2017).it also negates the concept that every patient is engaged in a unique experience of life. The theory is also not much access to new incoming nurses and cannot be applied to acute emergent care.

Ways in which the transcendence understanding would have helped the nurse

The parse theory’s understanding of transcendence can help guide the nurse by galvanizing Ben’s belief that the visible stars were his daughter’s and grandson. As he explained, both he and his daughter’s transcendence with the thinking of the falling story stars story. He was conquering with the becoming upcoming insight of his wife. The nurse can listen and encourage the theory freely and openly with no nursing norms (Barros et al., 2017). All the healthcare staff associated with this filed can relax and pay attention as Ben expressed his feelings without any debate. The thoughts from Ben should be considered more crucial than daily nursing relating to parsing theory.

An additional theory that can be applied in the case study

The Hildegard Peplau theory is a different theory that can be applied and fit in this case study. It would be of significant attribution to the case study since the beliefs it teaches are also similar to those found in the parse theory. According to Peplau, the patient’s needs should be considered the most critical aspects of nursing practice (Younas and Quennell, 2019). The theory comprises of four parts discussing the knowledge of nursing deviated from the parse theory. The theory stated valued knowledge, required textbooks, and believing that extensive information is needed for proper patient care.

Care plan for the case study delivered from the two theories

I am grieving anticipated r/t perceived patient’s death and powerlessness and no control over dying r/t dying.

Desired results and outcome:

Communicate, pay attention, and recognize feelings in an appropriate manner

Enunciate the understanding of the dying process and maintained feelings in grief work.

Happenstance individual acceptance. This is in spiritual power as well as resources for acquiring meaning and direction in loss and grief.

Articulate the grief and loss stages understandings, expression of conflicts, and feelings associated with death and illness.

Nursing interventions

. Assist in trust development of a trusting relationship with the client or the family


It is necessary to find trust before the client, and the family opens up to the incoming stranger. Communication is crucial to the hospice team. Delicate issues should be voiced

.nursing interventions

Assess the patient together with other critical stages for the grief they are experiencing. Assist in understanding the grief stages as being normal and appropriate.


In summary, a nurse can actualize the parse theory of human becoming. A nurse can provide a stimulus to acknowledge the visualization of environmental risks and occupational risks. Besides, it is the nurse’s responsibility to indicate a certain level of presence during the client’s challenging times. He/she should also offer motivation as a platform of manifesting the representatives’ opportunities; This will also create life quality to express interactions reality. According to the case, the nurse can utilize the understanding of transcendence by galvanizing Ben’s belief towards the falling stars. The parse theory also poses several weaknesses and strengths, just like any other nursing theory.








Kim, J. E., & So, H. S. (2019). Experience of Hope in Terminal Cancer Patients: Applying Parse’s Human Becoming Methodology. Asian Oncology Nursing19(2), 55-70.

Parse, R. R. (2018). Dignity: The ethos of human becoming. Nursing science quarterly31(3), 259-262.

Hawkins, K. (2017). The experience of feeling disrespected: A becoming human perspective. Nursing Science Quarterly30(2), 152-159.

Barros, L. B. F., Silva, L. F. D., Guedes, M. V. C., & Pessoa, V. L. M. P. (2017). Clinical care of nursing reasoned in Parse: contribution in the transcendence process of cardiac transplantation. Revista gaucha de enfermagem38(2), e60658-e60658.

Younas, A., & Quennell, S. (2019). The usefulness of nursing theory‐guided practice: an integrative review. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences33(3), 540-555.

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