Selecting a Transportation Mode


Selecting a Transportation Mode Each of the transportation modes have strengths and weaknesses and, as such, managers need to select a mode according to the particular competitive and operational requirements of their company. For instance, drawing on the examples and discussions in module 2, it might make little managerial sense for a fast fashion retailer, such as Zara, to select ocean freight for lines of high-fashion garments that are selling well. The accompanying figure present an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the main transportation modes.

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Selecting a Transportation Mode


Selecting a Transportation Mode Each of the transportation modes have strengths and weaknesses and, as such, managers need to select a mode according to the particular competitive and operational requirements of their company. For instance, drawing on the examples and discussions in module 2, it might make little managerial sense for a fast fashion retailer, such as Zara, to select ocean freight for lines of high-fashion garments that are selling well. The accompanying figure present an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the main transportation modes.

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