Developing a Marketing Plan


Group Project: Developing a Marketing Plan


Identify an existing opportunity in the market, propose a new business (or product) that can address it, and prepare strategy and related tactics for launching it. The end product is a strategic marketing plan for the business (or product). Read Appendix p. A1 (Sonic Marketing Plan) to give you an understanding of how to develop the plan.


The final marketing plan report should be between 18-20 pages (12-point Times Roman font, double-spacing, and one-inch margins), excluding any charts, graphs, and figures.

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Developing a Marketing Plan


Group Project: Developing a Marketing Plan


Identify an existing opportunity in the market, propose a new business (or product) that can address it, and prepare strategy and related tactics for launching it. The end product is a strategic marketing plan for the business (or product). Read Appendix p. A1 (Sonic Marketing Plan) to give you an understanding of how to develop the plan.


The final marketing plan report should be between 18-20 pages (12-point Times Roman font, double-spacing, and one-inch margins), excluding any charts, graphs, and figures.

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