Managing Entrepreneurship

Managing  Entrepreneurship   –   Report


This report is in the form of a personal enterprise report that explores the key themes of managing entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity – underpinned by theory, practical case studies, evidence of engagement in enterprise activities, including business network events and an analysis of viable business ideas or themes of your choice embodied in a concept plan. This report cannot more than 20 % of Plagiarism.



Figure   1  –  The  Structure  of  the  Enterprise  Portfolio   :


Cover  Page.  
Executive  Summary. i
Acknowledgements. ii
Content  Page. iii
Glossary,  Acronyms  and  Abbreviations. iv
List of Tables  and  Illustrations. v


The   Concept   Plan.                              (   2000  –  2200  words   )

In this section, we expect to see an analysis of a viable business ideas or themes of your choice embodied in a concept plan.   ( You are required to develop a concept plan based on a new business idea of your choice ).



Figure 2 – Suggested Structure of Concept Plan   :

  1.         Introduction   –   Business Concept and Opportunities.
  2.         Objectives.
  3.         Market Research   –   Primary Research and Secondary Research.
  4.         Target Market / Customer.
  5.         Marketing.
  6.         Human Resource.
  7.         Operations  –  Using the Business Model Canvas.
  8.         Legal Issues.
  9.         Financial.
  10.       Risks, Contingency and Exit Strategies.
  11.       Other Issues.
  12.       References.
  13.       Appendices and other supporting documents.


This is not a fully-fledged business plan, but the ideas and approach are the same, ensuring that the idea and concepts are clear.   Do you agree that before you get an idea or business off the ground, you should first develop a viable concept?    Ideas / concepts fail due to poor research and not thinking through basic business issues and appropriate controls.

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Managing Entrepreneurship

Managing  Entrepreneurship   –   Report


This report is in the form of a personal enterprise report that explores the key themes of managing entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity – underpinned by theory, practical case studies, evidence of engagement in enterprise activities, including business network events and an analysis of viable business ideas or themes of your choice embodied in a concept plan. This report cannot more than 20 % of Plagiarism.



Figure   1  –  The  Structure  of  the  Enterprise  Portfolio   :


Cover  Page.  
Executive  Summary. i
Acknowledgements. ii
Content  Page. iii
Glossary,  Acronyms  and  Abbreviations. iv
List of Tables  and  Illustrations. v


The   Concept   Plan.                              (   2000  –  2200  words   )

In this section, we expect to see an analysis of a viable business ideas or themes of your choice embodied in a concept plan.   ( You are required to develop a concept plan based on a new business idea of your choice ).



Figure 2 – Suggested Structure of Concept Plan   :

  1.         Introduction   –   Business Concept and Opportunities.
  2.         Objectives.
  3.         Market Research   –   Primary Research and Secondary Research.
  4.         Target Market / Customer.
  5.         Marketing.
  6.         Human Resource.
  7.         Operations  –  Using the Business Model Canvas.
  8.         Legal Issues.
  9.         Financial.
  10.       Risks, Contingency and Exit Strategies.
  11.       Other Issues.
  12.       References.
  13.       Appendices and other supporting documents.


This is not a fully-fledged business plan, but the ideas and approach are the same, ensuring that the idea and concepts are clear.   Do you agree that before you get an idea or business off the ground, you should first develop a viable concept?    Ideas / concepts fail due to poor research and not thinking through basic business issues and appropriate controls.

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