Explain in some detail why you think they are at this stage.


Course Code MRK106
Course Name Into to Marketing:
Instructor Richard Andrew
Date Handout Tuesday July 7 2020
Assignment Individual work
Due Date Tuesday July 21  7:00 pm, before class.  Late submissions may be subject to penalty.
Worth 20  Marks Total   (7.5% weighting)  ( ie 16/20 marks = 6/7.5marks)
Format Assignment should be completed using a computer and, if applicable,  with proper MLA source citing as indicated on the subject outline, see link:



1)Select any 2 products or services of your choosing . Outline  where you think they are in their product life  cycle PLC).  ( 4marks)

2) Explain in some detail why you think they are at this stage.           (6 marks)

3)For each product/service outlined how you might extend/alter  their product life cycle   (10 marks)

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Explain in some detail why you think they are at this stage.


Course Code MRK106
Course Name Into to Marketing:
Instructor Richard Andrew
Date Handout Tuesday July 7 2020
Assignment Individual work
Due Date Tuesday July 21  7:00 pm, before class.  Late submissions may be subject to penalty.
Worth 20  Marks Total   (7.5% weighting)  ( ie 16/20 marks = 6/7.5marks)
Format Assignment should be completed using a computer and, if applicable,  with proper MLA source citing as indicated on the subject outline, see link:



1)Select any 2 products or services of your choosing . Outline  where you think they are in their product life  cycle PLC).  ( 4marks)

2) Explain in some detail why you think they are at this stage.           (6 marks)

3)For each product/service outlined how you might extend/alter  their product life cycle   (10 marks)

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