differential diagnoses


3 differential diagnoses with Pathology statement and rationale. For each diagnosis, you must have a scholarly journal from the USA and no older than 2011. For questions 3, 4. and 5, you need to back up your answers with a citation from a scholarly journal from the USA and no older than 2011. I will attach the case file. What further questions do you have for Elizabeth at this visit? What is your differential diagnosis list for this visit thus far with rationale? Based on your differential diagnosis list, identify what body systems you’d examine along with pertinent positive/negatives in each system and any diagnostic tests you would like to perform? Did her mom do the right thing by waiting until this morning or should she have taken her to ED last night? Elizabeth is a teenager, is it a HIPAA violation to share healthcare information with her parents if she is not present?

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differential diagnoses


3 differential diagnoses with Pathology statement and rationale. For each diagnosis, you must have a scholarly journal from the USA and no older than 2011. For questions 3, 4. and 5, you need to back up your answers with a citation from a scholarly journal from the USA and no older than 2011. I will attach the case file. What further questions do you have for Elizabeth at this visit? What is your differential diagnosis list for this visit thus far with rationale? Based on your differential diagnosis list, identify what body systems you’d examine along with pertinent positive/negatives in each system and any diagnostic tests you would like to perform? Did her mom do the right thing by waiting until this morning or should she have taken her to ED last night? Elizabeth is a teenager, is it a HIPAA violation to share healthcare information with her parents if she is not present?

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