Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation


Create a 6- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that would be used to conduct a customer service training session for newly hired computer support representatives. Include speaker notes for all slides containing your thoughts as if you were to present this to an audience. Address all of the following key points in your presentation, at a minimum: Explain the fundamentals of customer service Identify effective questioning using verbal and non-verbal communication skills and explain their importance Explain the fundamentals of on-site, telephone, and remote support Explain proper procedures for dealing with difficult customers. (Research online and include industry-standard tips and tricks to ensure customer satisfaction in dealing with difficult customers.) Include citations and references as necessary.

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Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation


Create a 6- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that would be used to conduct a customer service training session for newly hired computer support representatives. Include speaker notes for all slides containing your thoughts as if you were to present this to an audience. Address all of the following key points in your presentation, at a minimum: Explain the fundamentals of customer service Identify effective questioning using verbal and non-verbal communication skills and explain their importance Explain the fundamentals of on-site, telephone, and remote support Explain proper procedures for dealing with difficult customers. (Research online and include industry-standard tips and tricks to ensure customer satisfaction in dealing with difficult customers.) Include citations and references as necessary.

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