social and cultural influences on consumer decisions


Name and describe the social and cultural influences on consumer decisions and why they are important for advertisers What is a major advantage of newspaper advertising and magazine? Coca-Cola is a global brand that advertises all over the world. Discuss the special problems managers face that make the evaluation of international programs difficult. Adam is a public relations specialist who works primarily on writing news releases and feature stories for the clients of the agency in which he works. On the most basic level, how can his efforts be evaluated? Why was Apple’s “1984” advertisement so effective?

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social and cultural influences on consumer decisions


Name and describe the social and cultural influences on consumer decisions and why they are important for advertisers What is a major advantage of newspaper advertising and magazine? Coca-Cola is a global brand that advertises all over the world. Discuss the special problems managers face that make the evaluation of international programs difficult. Adam is a public relations specialist who works primarily on writing news releases and feature stories for the clients of the agency in which he works. On the most basic level, how can his efforts be evaluated? Why was Apple’s “1984” advertisement so effective?

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