

A newspaper reporter reads a study that surveyed children and then, reports that a high percentage of children recognize Joe Camel, the cigarette spokescharacter, but fails to report that the study also found that a much higher percentage of children indicated very negative attitudes toward smoking. Is this a proper use of secondary data? What are the ethical dilemmas involved, and as a business researcher, what is your responsibility to ethically report your research findings, especially with products such as cigarettes?

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A newspaper reporter reads a study that surveyed children and then, reports that a high percentage of children recognize Joe Camel, the cigarette spokescharacter, but fails to report that the study also found that a much higher percentage of children indicated very negative attitudes toward smoking. Is this a proper use of secondary data? What are the ethical dilemmas involved, and as a business researcher, what is your responsibility to ethically report your research findings, especially with products such as cigarettes?

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