Literature Review Matrix

· Tutorial on how to find peer-reviewed articles

· Individually, you will find 3 GOOD articles specific to the requirements for each “Article Set”.

· My advice is you work on this with your group so that you make sure the articles you all read HELP with part 2 of your paper and the articles everyone reads can be used.

· Article 1: Find one article that discuss your selected health topic – define the topic, provide risk factors, justify why it is an important public health issue, research etc

· Article 2: Find one article that discuss evidence based prevention/management strategies tackling your health issue using

· Health education/Health policy/environmental change/communication

· At least two should be policy focused

· Article 3: Find one article that discuss specific interventions that have been implemented to tackle your health issue (and population of interest)

· Local/ state/national level — include a mix of these levels

· After reading each one write your annotated bibliography and then fill out the matrix table for each

· Notice that each “article set” matrix asks for different information

· This aligns with Part 2 section headings

· Article 1 – XX as a Public Health Issue

· Article 2 – Prevention and Management of XX

· Article 3 – Targeted Intervention Strategies


Part A: Annotated Bibliography

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Part B: Literature Review Methodology & Matrix

Write a paragraph providing information about how you conducted your article search. What databases you used; key words; Studies found; how were articles selected for inclusion into LR? (see my example on D2L)

Articles Matrix

Article 1

Year, Title of Journal Article, Journal Name, Vol #, Page Numbers

(APA 7th)


(In text citation)

How is the health issue defined?


What are the major risk factors discussed?

A few key points (or findings) from

the article


How do they justify why this issue is important to public health?

Why are these points/findings important to epidemiology and public health? (What is the “real-world” application?)
Article 2

Year, Title of Journal Article, Journal Name, Vol #, Page Numbers

(APA 7th)


(In text citation)

How is the health issue defined?


What factors does the intervention tackle?


A few key points (or findings) from the article


Summarize the evidence-based prevention/management strategy

· What strategy was used? (education, policy, etc)


How have these been effective in tackling your health issue?


(this helps with the “real-world” application?)

Article 3

Year, Title of Journal Article, Journal Name, Vol #, Page Numbers

(APA 7th)


(In text citation)

What level was the intervention? Local/state/community?


Who did they target?


A few key points (or findings) from the article


Summarize these specific interventions implemented

· what was done?

How have these been effective in tackling your health issue?


(this helps with the “real-world” application?)

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