Assignment #2: Introduction to Target Community & Program Intervention Sample and Program

REQUIRED COMPONENTS for Assignment #2: Introduction to Target Community & Program Intervention Sample and Program    

The assignment should be typed out on a word document in APA format. Each paragraph should consist of 5-6 complete sentences. The assignment should consist of 1,500- to 2,500-words (excluding references and title pages). This assignment must be completed and submitted on a Microsoft word document.

APA format is required. 12 font size should be used, font names that should be used are Times New Roman or Cambria (not both), normal margins (no more than 1 inch), double spaced, indentation, etc. Please include the title page that consists of your name (First and Last), Panther ID number and title of the article (APA format).In addition, include a reference page that consists of three (3) references from creditable resources.

1. Description of Target Community. Describe, succinctly, the “community” that you perceive can be targeted to meet the selected HP 2020 Objective.  Community means the target population that is within your reach and that is at risk for not meeting this HP 2020 objective.

Describe the following:

  • Stated target objective from HP 2020 (Same as assignment #1 targeted objective).Review Healthy People 2020 documents and the objectives from 2020 Topics and Objectives (Objectives A–Z) Link: (Links to an external site.).
  • Description of your “community” at the city or county or municipality level; in other words, “who are these people?” in terms of demographics; you can typically find this demographic data from census databases or other national or local databases or information that is within the public domain.
  • You must include important epidemiological “person, place and time” information about your target community.  This includes the target population size and target population demographics.  Include local incidence and prevalence rates of health outcomes that are directly related to your chosen Healthy People 2020 health behavior.

*With regards to the “community”, I strongly recommend you target a relatively narrow segment or community.  For example, it would be advisable to choose to target the issue of underage drinking and subsequent car crashes in a target community within your county, city, town or local school district versus addressing this issue by choosing a chosen target community of your entire state

2.  Description of Your Health Promotion Program and Sample Size

(a) Provide detailed and specific information about your chosen “Building Your Own Health Promotion Program” intervention sample group in whom you plan on being your program participants in your eventually implemented “Building a Health Promotion Program Project”. This program intervention sample should be taken from within your chosen target community. You MUST provide a SPECIFIC INTERVENTION SAMPLE SIZE AND A SPECIFIC SAMPLE INTERVENTION LOCATION AND A SPECIFIC SAMPLE INTERVENTION START DATE AND COMPLETION DATE.  This will specify when the program’s intervention sample subjects will begin the program and begin to have activities administered to them.  This will also describe the completion date of the program.   You will eventually have specific health promotion program educational activities and components that you will develop and administer during the implementation period of your program.  If you decide to implement your program in a school or worksite or hospital or community center or place of worship or clinic within your target community then you must obtain try to obtain important descriptive statistical information and demographic information about your sample from the site manager or overseer.  For example, if you decide to implement an obesity prevention program that targets first and second graders in your city because the city or county or state statistics reveal high child obesity prevalence rates in this area, then you may choose to implement your program at a local elementary school.  Your intervention sample would be first and second grade classes in this particular elementary school.  You will seek to gather basic information about the number of first and second graders in your chosen school and also seek to gather basic demographic data about the school population if at all possible.  Try to choose an intervention sample in which you will be able to research and find and report on all of this important demographic data.  This data will be important for your “stakeholders” as well as for your program planning.

3. Proposed Program. Conclude this proposal with a brief discussion of your idea for a health promotion program plan to meet your HP 2020/2010 objective, health behavior and associated health indicator (assuming the results of your needs assessment indicate a need).  Please use three (3) sources of research supporting this type of program

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