Sales and Marketing Plan


Sales and Marketing Plan: Topic: The business that will be created is a Hydration Therapy clinic for treating hangovers. IV hydration using a medical grade solution combined with essential vitamins and other necessary medications for a headache and nausea has been shown to be an effective method for reducing recovery time from an alcohol-induced hangover. Similar services currently exist in large cities, such as Las Vegas, New York, and Chicago, but this hydration therapy business will expand to provide more specialized treatment and a level of service that is more convenient, affordable, and accessible in metropolitan areas that do not currently offer this type of service. The target audience is adults (over 21) in larger cities that are known for more upscale drinking establishments in which clients have a higher disposable income to support this type of service.

The service could also be marketed to groups with pre-registered appointments, such as bachelor and bachelorette parties. Several business formats, such as a walk-in clinic, home visits, or mobile units, provide multiple opportunities for creating a highly profitable business that can be suited to the area being serviced. Mission Statement: If last night was a blur, the rest of your day doesn’t have to be too. Feeling refreshed after a night on the town is what we do best. Instructions: When a business professional reads this paper, he or she will have a clear understanding of your marketing strategy. If your business idea does not lend itself to a thorough discussion of all of the following elements, select another business idea or another topic. Points cannot be earned if mastery is not demonstrated. Instructors will use this rubric to assign a grade for the Sales and Marketing papers. Potential Points and Must include Introduction: Briefly describe the business, product, or service for this Sales & Marketing Plan = 5 points Marketing Message: Does the paper include a clear marketing message? = 5 points Are the marketing message effectively communicated in a sample advertisement or brochure?

10 points Marketing Strategy: Is the marketing strategy reasonable for the industry? Is it clearly presented? = 15 points Are the communication vehicles clearly presented and reasonable?= 10 points Marketing schedule in table format= 15 points Marketing budget in table format = 15 points Include ads or brochures to demonstrate your advertising ideas.= 10 points Research: Industry standards and best practices for sales projections are utilized where appropriate. If market standards are not used an alternative is recommended.= 10 points Details are researched and assertions are supported.= 10 points Earn points for using at least five academic or business sources (deduct 2 points for four sources, 4 points for three sources and so forth.)= 10 points Editing and Formatting: Grammar and spelling= 10 points Readability and style (graduate level work)= 15 points Length: 5–10 pages including flowcharts, exhibits, and reference page.= 10 points Total Points:150


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Sales and Marketing Plan


Sales and Marketing Plan: Topic: The business that will be created is a Hydration Therapy clinic for treating hangovers. IV hydration using a medical grade solution combined with essential vitamins and other necessary medications for a headache and nausea has been shown to be an effective method for reducing recovery time from an alcohol-induced hangover. Similar services currently exist in large cities, such as Las Vegas, New York, and Chicago, but this hydration therapy business will expand to provide more specialized treatment and a level of service that is more convenient, affordable, and accessible in metropolitan areas that do not currently offer this type of service. The target audience is adults (over 21) in larger cities that are known for more upscale drinking establishments in which clients have a higher disposable income to support this type of service.

The service could also be marketed to groups with pre-registered appointments, such as bachelor and bachelorette parties. Several business formats, such as a walk-in clinic, home visits, or mobile units, provide multiple opportunities for creating a highly profitable business that can be suited to the area being serviced. Mission Statement: If last night was a blur, the rest of your day doesn’t have to be too. Feeling refreshed after a night on the town is what we do best. Instructions: When a business professional reads this paper, he or she will have a clear understanding of your marketing strategy. If your business idea does not lend itself to a thorough discussion of all of the following elements, select another business idea or another topic. Points cannot be earned if mastery is not demonstrated. Instructors will use this rubric to assign a grade for the Sales and Marketing papers. Potential Points and Must include Introduction: Briefly describe the business, product, or service for this Sales & Marketing Plan = 5 points Marketing Message: Does the paper include a clear marketing message? = 5 points Are the marketing message effectively communicated in a sample advertisement or brochure?

10 points Marketing Strategy: Is the marketing strategy reasonable for the industry? Is it clearly presented? = 15 points Are the communication vehicles clearly presented and reasonable?= 10 points Marketing schedule in table format= 15 points Marketing budget in table format = 15 points Include ads or brochures to demonstrate your advertising ideas.= 10 points Research: Industry standards and best practices for sales projections are utilized where appropriate. If market standards are not used an alternative is recommended.= 10 points Details are researched and assertions are supported.= 10 points Earn points for using at least five academic or business sources (deduct 2 points for four sources, 4 points for three sources and so forth.)= 10 points Editing and Formatting: Grammar and spelling= 10 points Readability and style (graduate level work)= 15 points Length: 5–10 pages including flowcharts, exhibits, and reference page.= 10 points Total Points:150


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