Marketing Assignment



  • Theme park operator may have constant amount of customer if they are partnering with any travel agency but because of independent travelers theme park may have less customer coming to theme parks.

Solution (I want three solution for this challenges and include some elaboration)



  • Incapability of the recreation operator in accommodating those independent travel since recreation operator rely more on customer through travel agency. For example a boat tour maybe can only accommodate 10 people at a time and maybe there are customers from travel agency that have filled the boat. The walk in independent traveler could no join the activity as it is full and have to wait for the next boat. The boat operator may lose the customers that walked in


Solution (I want three solution for this challenges and include some elaboration)


I want solution for both challenges and each challenges I want three solution and elaborate it. Please provide the reference that be used. I want the total word not more than 150 and the duration are are three hours

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Marketing Assignment



  • Theme park operator may have constant amount of customer if they are partnering with any travel agency but because of independent travelers theme park may have less customer coming to theme parks.

Solution (I want three solution for this challenges and include some elaboration)



  • Incapability of the recreation operator in accommodating those independent travel since recreation operator rely more on customer through travel agency. For example a boat tour maybe can only accommodate 10 people at a time and maybe there are customers from travel agency that have filled the boat. The walk in independent traveler could no join the activity as it is full and have to wait for the next boat. The boat operator may lose the customers that walked in


Solution (I want three solution for this challenges and include some elaboration)


I want solution for both challenges and each challenges I want three solution and elaborate it. Please provide the reference that be used. I want the total word not more than 150 and the duration are are three hours

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