Team Project & Presentation


Team Project & Presentation

In the world of digital marketing, many different types of goods and services are offered to different markets. Your goal with this project is to choose a company and analyze its digital marketing approach and strategy and make recommendations for improvement. You need to research the company to learn more about its digital marketing activities, and then apply the digital marketing concepts you learn in class. You will also be required to present your findings in a presentation format (tradeshow or YouTube video).

You will work in teams of four, and will chose a company that offers at least one product or service which can be researched and reviewed. The recommendation is to either choose a local organization whose products or services are easily accessible, or a well-known company that has lots of information available. If this organization offers multiple products or services, you are to choose one main product or service to focus your project on. For example, if you were to pick a sports manufacturer, you would pick one type of product such as a sports shoe, or sports clothing, or sports equipment.

The research you are allowed to conduct in this class project is secondary research and passive primary research. Secondary research is information that has already been collected and is available to the public, such as an organization’s website, company promotional materials and advertisements, and any written material published on the company, such as journal, trade, newspaper or magazine articles. Secondary research also includes information that has already been collected and is available to OC students via the Library, including subscription databases. Passive Primary research is any observation you undertake, such as observing people using the product or service, visiting the organization as an observer or sampling the product or service yourself as a potential user. You are NOT allowed to do active primary research which is to directly ask people through interviews or surveys their thoughts, opinions, ideas or recommendations about the product or service you are researching. If you are unclear of these guidelines, please consult your professor.

Part 1: Digital Marketing Project Proposal This is a three-page proposal that identifies the organization you have chosen, and provides a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) about this organization and what it does.

A. Discuss briefly the products and services the organization offers and which one you have chosen to focus on (1-2 paragraphs). Any material taken from any company materials or secondary sources must be properly referenced.

B. Describe what interests you about this organization, the selected product or service, and their use of digital marketing.

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Team Project & Presentation


Team Project & Presentation

In the world of digital marketing, many different types of goods and services are offered to different markets. Your goal with this project is to choose a company and analyze its digital marketing approach and strategy and make recommendations for improvement. You need to research the company to learn more about its digital marketing activities, and then apply the digital marketing concepts you learn in class. You will also be required to present your findings in a presentation format (tradeshow or YouTube video).

You will work in teams of four, and will chose a company that offers at least one product or service which can be researched and reviewed. The recommendation is to either choose a local organization whose products or services are easily accessible, or a well-known company that has lots of information available. If this organization offers multiple products or services, you are to choose one main product or service to focus your project on. For example, if you were to pick a sports manufacturer, you would pick one type of product such as a sports shoe, or sports clothing, or sports equipment.

The research you are allowed to conduct in this class project is secondary research and passive primary research. Secondary research is information that has already been collected and is available to the public, such as an organization’s website, company promotional materials and advertisements, and any written material published on the company, such as journal, trade, newspaper or magazine articles. Secondary research also includes information that has already been collected and is available to OC students via the Library, including subscription databases. Passive Primary research is any observation you undertake, such as observing people using the product or service, visiting the organization as an observer or sampling the product or service yourself as a potential user. You are NOT allowed to do active primary research which is to directly ask people through interviews or surveys their thoughts, opinions, ideas or recommendations about the product or service you are researching. If you are unclear of these guidelines, please consult your professor.

Part 1: Digital Marketing Project Proposal This is a three-page proposal that identifies the organization you have chosen, and provides a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) about this organization and what it does.

A. Discuss briefly the products and services the organization offers and which one you have chosen to focus on (1-2 paragraphs). Any material taken from any company materials or secondary sources must be properly referenced.

B. Describe what interests you about this organization, the selected product or service, and their use of digital marketing.

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