Marketing Assignment Help


* Responses to all posted questions should be at least 1-2 paragraphs, and have substantial content learned from the chapter readings showing your understanding of the material.

Remember that your active participation in the discussion forums counts as your “attendance” for this online course. You must post and reply to the discussion forum for the week in order to be marked “present.”


A brand can be a product (ex. Mercedes), service (TurboTax) or a person (Kim Kardashian).  Identify a popular brand in each category and discuss as to why you think it is a successful brand.  You should have a total of 3 paragraphs.

Do not use the same 3 examples above.  You may use the link below or from your own experience.  The person brand will not be from the link.

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Marketing Assignment Help


* Responses to all posted questions should be at least 1-2 paragraphs, and have substantial content learned from the chapter readings showing your understanding of the material.

Remember that your active participation in the discussion forums counts as your “attendance” for this online course. You must post and reply to the discussion forum for the week in order to be marked “present.”


A brand can be a product (ex. Mercedes), service (TurboTax) or a person (Kim Kardashian).  Identify a popular brand in each category and discuss as to why you think it is a successful brand.  You should have a total of 3 paragraphs.

Do not use the same 3 examples above.  You may use the link below or from your own experience.  The person brand will not be from the link.

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