Marketing Assignment Help



2.1 The project must by typed in A4 size paper with the font Times New Roman, 11pt, 1.5 spacing.

2.2 Your report must be within 15-20 pages (excluded appendices). The lecturer reserves the right not to read and/or evaluate the extra pages beyond the 20-page limit.

2.3 The margin required one (1) inch or 2.54 cm for each side.

2.4 Insert the page number at the middle bottom of the page with the font size Times New Roman, 11pt.



You are working in a local company in Malaysia as a new marketing graduate. Your employer has asked you to develop a marketing plan for their new product/service which just launch in early of this year.


Prepare a coherently written marketing plan for your employer. The marketing plan should demonstrate the practical application and rationale understanding of the marketing mix and four Ps that are discussed in the course syllabus by integrating the component of Industrial Revolution 4.0.

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Marketing Assignment Help



2.1 The project must by typed in A4 size paper with the font Times New Roman, 11pt, 1.5 spacing.

2.2 Your report must be within 15-20 pages (excluded appendices). The lecturer reserves the right not to read and/or evaluate the extra pages beyond the 20-page limit.

2.3 The margin required one (1) inch or 2.54 cm for each side.

2.4 Insert the page number at the middle bottom of the page with the font size Times New Roman, 11pt.



You are working in a local company in Malaysia as a new marketing graduate. Your employer has asked you to develop a marketing plan for their new product/service which just launch in early of this year.


Prepare a coherently written marketing plan for your employer. The marketing plan should demonstrate the practical application and rationale understanding of the marketing mix and four Ps that are discussed in the course syllabus by integrating the component of Industrial Revolution 4.0.

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