Information Systems homework help

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Tarneisha Gross

University of Cumberland’s

Sudheer Malladi

June 18, 2018.

Making disaster recovery plan after a disaster occurs is of no use. Once the damage was done sometimes it will be irreversible to correct it. So the organizations need to have disaster recovery plan ready in the starting itself. They need to identify the type of disasters they are going to face, how can they respond to it, how can they run their business even at the time f crisis. These are some major points we need to consider while making disaster recovery plan. To make this plan we need to have an efficient team. They need to know what procedure they need to follow, where to start. It is the time to contact third-party vendors to contact for regarding disaster recovery plan. They will come to the organization and gives the proper training to employees, help them to create their own disaster recovery plan. Our company Information Systems Private Limited is one of the reputed companies and currently supporting different organizations to have their plan. The company current location is Dallas (Jason Yaeger, 2016).

Our company will provide 3 days of training to the employees. Under this training we will cover objectives of disaster recovery plan, what are the threats or disasters the organization may face, what are the recovery solutions, how can we face these situations, help the team to make the disaster recovery plan and finally testing the plan. These topics will be covered. We will follow the industry standards while giving the training. This training is really important for wash disasters organization.

This organization main focus is to maintain water, sanitation, hygiene at the time of disasters. This organization will take care of the people needs at the time of disasters. So first this organization need to have a disaster recovery plan to maintain its operations. These topics under this training will cover all the important aspects of the disaster recovery plan. Once the training is completed, the employees can able to draft the plan. This training will help them to know what type of disasters are there, what can be affected because of these, how they need to react in these situations, and how they are going to communicate at the time of crisis. This training will cover these points (Bilal Mehdi, 2008).

We will conduct our training based on the client request. We will provide both interactive training and online training. It is up to them how they want it. In the online training through Skype, our experts will give the training to employees. They can clarify their doubts also at that time. We will share the course material through the mail. In the direct interactive training, our team will be sent there to provide training. The course material for reference will be shared in the form of paper.

We are giving an opportunity for the organization itself to choose what type of training they needed. It is totally their call. They can decide the time and place, our disaster recovery management training team will be there. It will provide the flexibility to the organization. This will help the team to focus on the training more and will help them to understand the better (Bilal Mehdi, 2008).

Our organization training strategy is simple. We are not going to focus on the theory part itself. Our training part will cover the testing of the plan also. Once the team from wash disasters got trained, we will ask them to draft the disaster recovery plan for their organization. Once the team comes up with the plan, we will review it. To test the plan, we itself will do the necessary arrangements. We will make sure to have all employees’ participation while doing the plan.  We will conduct some more interactive sessions to discuss regarding the plan and review it. Once it has done, we will guide the team to test it.

Once an organization makes an agreement with our company, we will ensure to support them until the end. We even tie up with some insurance companies to provide insurance to our clients. We will not only provide the training to our clients, we will ensure them to support even at the time of crisis. We have our own back up site locations and cloud storage for data backup. The companies can make use of these for running their business at the time of crisis. We are being up to date regarding the changes in technology and will change according to that. We will send our team to the organization to conduct audits regarding the plan they drafted. This will help the disaster recovery team in the WASH disasters organization to review it. They can mail their queries also. Our technical support team will be available at their service in any time. It is necessary for our organization to maintain our support. The client will have goodwill and trust in us. They may recommend our organization to other companies also (Leo A. Wrobel, 2008).

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