Midterm – 5 Questions


Week 5 Mid-Term Exam

The ISAS600 Mid-Term Exam is available below (Due no later than 11:59 PM Sunday of Week 5 – March 8th). Prepare your answers in a Microsoft Word document in APA Format which includes the Title Page, Paragraph Formats, Cites and References.

Abstract and Table of Content are not required for exams.

Be sure that your answers directly answer the questions asked and that they are “keyed” to the specific part of the question. Your answers should be concise while covering all applicable points/issues. Be sure to incorporate the topics covered to date in your answers and cite references.

Book cites must contain the Page Number. Spell and grammar check your document before submitting it. Attach your Word file to the “MidTerm” Assignment within the “Assignments” area of the Classroom. Title of your Word File should be “surnameMidTermExam”, where Surname = your surname.

As noted in the Syllabus, all student work should be their own and reflect the learning/reinforcement of known concepts that he/she has obtained in this course. Students should support their answers with cites appropriately formatted and properly documented on the Reference Page. I am looking for your ability to be creative and persuasive, not a particular “right” answer.

  • Be sure that your answers directly answer the questions asked and that they are “keyed” to the specific part of the question.
  • Your answers should be concise while covering all applicable points/issues.
  • Be sure to incorporate the topics covered to date in your answers and cite references. Book cites must contain the Page Number.
  • Spell and  Grammar check your document before submitting it.
  • Attach your Word file to the “MidTerm” Assignment within the “Assignments” area of the Classroom.
    • Title of your Word File should be “surnameMidTermExam“, where Surname = your surname.

As noted in the Syllabus, all student work should be their own and reflect the learning/reinforcement of known concepts that he/she has obtained in this course.  Students should support their answers with cites appropriately formatted and properly documented on the Reference Page.  I am looking for your ability to be creative and persuasive, not a particular “right” answer. Exams will be graded on the following criteria:

  • Logic – development of an argument, citing evidence to justify your position, and presenting it convincingly and coherently.  Note that cites without your supporting comments are not appropriate answers to exam questions.
  • Content – your answers should incorporate and appropriately cite material covered in the textbook, lecturettes, discussions and URLs (Universal Resource Locators) into your responses.  Be sure to support your answers with appropriate cites and to document all cites on a Reference Page.  Paraphrased information does not require quotes, but copied information does.  Note that exams are intended to measure what you have learned, they are not research assignments.
  • Well organized, concise and succinct answers that directly address the questions asked.  Although your answers should be concise and succinct, be sure that they address all phases of the question asked.
  • Writing – proper writing, including spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Original Work:

Exam Answers must be original work written by you specifically for this course.  Recognizing that answers without cites are simply your personal opinions, your answers should be supported with appropriate cites consisting of classroom material covered in the textbook, lecturettes, discussions and URL (Universal Resource Locators) cited in the discussions.  Be sure to properly format cites and fully document them on the Reference Page of your exam.  Cites should be integrated into your answers not stand alone.  Paraphrased information does not require quotes, but copied information does.  Cites without appropriate explanations are not proper answers to exam questions.  Note that exams are intended to measure what you have learned, they are not research assignments.

ISAS 600

Midterm Examination

Spring 2020


  1. Answer each of the five questions below. The questions as a whole are equally weighted although the parts of each question may not be. Post your answers to your Assignments Folder by midnightSunday, March 8th.
  2. Adequate answers for the entire examination should run approximately ten double-spaced pages with one-inch margins and 12-point font. Include a separate cover page and references which are not part of the page count.
  3. This is an open-book individual essay examination. You are encouraged to use any resources in addition to the textbook, such as other books, articles, lecture notes, conferences and other research – including citing internet sources.  You must, however, do your own work and you may not collaborate with your classmates.
  4. Questions should be answered in your own words. However, when you use the words of others in any answers, you must use appropriate APA citations and identify direct quotes.
  5. Answers will be evaluated on key content, logical flow, APA, and clarity.
  6. If a question does not seem clear, e-mail me at david.adkins@faculty.umuc.edu for clarification.
  7. Your answers should be concise while covering all applicable points/issues.
  8. Be sure to incorporate the topics covered to date in your answers and cite references. Textbook cites must contain the Page Number.
  9. Check your document for spelling and grammar before submitting it.

Exam Questions

  1. How can information technology support a company’s business processes and decision making and give it a competitive advantage? Give examples to illustrate your answer. 
  2. Provide an example of an agile company and explain why it is agile. How does it use information technology as a strategic advantage – especially when it comes to agility? 
  3. Describe “Big Data” and identify its potential applications. Discuss its pros and cons.
  4. What are several important computer hardware and/or internet developments that you expect to happen in the next 10 years? How will these affect the business use of computers?
  5. MIS author and consultant Peter Keen says: “We have learned that it is not technology that creates a competitive edge, but the management process that exploits technology.” What does he mean?  Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Due DateMar 8, 2020 11:59 PM

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