Enterprise Risk Management (ITS-835)

 You are a Consultant tasked with creating an ERM framework for an organization.  You can choose an organization you are familiar with, your own organization or make one up.  You will select one of the ERM solutions discussed from a use case explained in Weeks 1-7 to help define a ERM framework for the organization.

In your 2-4 paged paper include the following requirements:

  • Discuss the organization and reason for selecting it.
  • Explain 2-3 potential risks in the organization.
  • Describe the proposed ERM solution to resolve the proposed risks based on Weeks 1 -7 use case ERM example. Be sure to include timelines, resources, visualizations, etc.
  • Discuss the benefits and challenges with the proposed ERM.

In your paper include:

  • Title Page
  • Content
  • References [required]

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