Cybersecurity IT

The purpose of this assignment is to help students be able to: Define cybersecurity; define the dimensions and principles of cybersecurity; describe the fundamental principles of the cybersecurity discipline and use to provide system security; describe why each principle is important to security and how it enables the development of security mechanisms that can implement desired security policies; and properly use the vocabulary associated with cybersecurity.


Your assignment will be to develop a written paper that will provide a summary of the following:

Cybersecurity Definitions: Identify and quote three different definitions of Cybersecurity – with sources, where one should be government source (ensure to quote per APA, cite the reference with exact page number of the source).

Dimensions and Principles of Cybersecurity: In your own words (no quotes, but use references), describe the three dimensions of cybersecurity and within each dimension describe the three principles (sub-dimensions) known as the “McCumber Cube” of Cybersecurity (follow APA!)

Overall Security: In your own words (no quotes, but use references), describe how each of the three dimensions of cybersecurity and their principles of the cybersecurity discipline are used to provide overall system security

Assured Operations: In your own words (no quotes, but use references), describe why each principle is important to cybersecurity and how it enables the concept of ‘Assured Operations’

Conclusion: In your own words (no quotes, but use references), provide a conclusion that summarizes the whole paper.

In particular, you will need to develop a 5- to 7-page document (not more!) that outlines each of the section above and provides the details to address the points above.


All text in the proposal should be word-processed (letter or correspondence-quality font), New Times Roman or Calibri, 12 point, double space and standard margins. The body of the proposal should be 5- to 7-pages long (not including title page, Table of Contents, Reference List, & Certificate of Authorship).

The following information should also be included:

The report should also be done professionally and should include:

Table of Contents (with sections & page numbers identified – Ensure the context text starts on page 1, frontmatter shouldn’t be counted in page numbers)

Page numbers on all pages

Clear and consistent headings of all sections

No running heads

Reference List following APA (At least seven different references)

Certificate of Authorship – Use the certificate provided as the last page of the document within the assignment file (not separate file)

Professional and appealing document is expected. please make sure to document appropriately your references and state it in your own words, or put in quotations.

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