INFO Question 6

Answer the following questions thoroughly. Minimum 250 words, 2 references, no format required.




1) Privacy laws are in a near constant state of flux. Conduct research to identify the current state of privacy law. Has any major legislation recently been proposed or approved? What are the implications for firms operating in effected industries? What are the potential benefits to consumers? Do consumers lose anything from this legislation? Include the urls of your sources.

2) Do any of the products that you use leverage artificial intelligence? What kinds of AI might be used in Netflix’s movie recommendation system, Apple’s iTunes Genius playlist builder, or Amazon’s Web site personalization? Conduct research online, if necessary, to answer this question. Include the urls of your sources.

3) Come up with three concrete recommendations for improving your chosen information system. Make sure you do not just identify the problems, but that you also make very specific recommendations for how you would correct those problems. This is going to be a very important part of your Analysis Essay 2, so make sure you come up with three original, concrete recommendations for improving your system and that you explain how you would implement each one.

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