Assignment: Chapter 1 & 2 Study Questions & Exercises

Chapter 1 & 2 Study Questions & Exercises

Textbook: Information Systems for Business and Beyond:

Please click on the above link to submit the following:

  • Chapter 1 – Study questions 1-5, Exercise 3
  • Chapter 2 – Study questions 1-10, Exercise 2

The above assignment should be submitted in one Word document.  This assignment must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Sunday, May 10, 2020 (No Exceptions).  As per the syllabus, no late assignments will be accepted.

Chapters 1 & 2 Paper

Textbook: Information Technology and Organizational Learning:

  • Chapter 1 – Review the Key Lessons from Chapter 1 – Explain the five key lessons and note the importance of each key lesson from chapter 1. Also, note why is it important to understand these basic concepts.
  • Chapter 2 – Explain why the IT organizational structure is an important concept to understand. Also, note the role of IT in the overall business strategy.

Please click on the above link to submit your paper.  This paper must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Sunday, May 10, 2020 (No Exceptions).  As per the syllabus, no late assignments will be accepted.

The above submission should be two pages in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.  Remember the page length does not include the APA cover page or any references.

Please understand that Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero grade. Please review the Academic Dishonesty Policy outlined in the syllabus and in your student handbook.

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