Limits and Rates of Change

MATH 2413

Limits and Rates of Change


DATE: Week of Feb. 2 – Feb. 6

Solve each problem to match it to the corresponding word. Work must be shown on an attached (STAPLED) page.

1. Find lim x→3

(x + 5)(2x−7) 0 the

2. Find lim x→π/6

sec(x) 4


( 1 √ 2 −1

) follow

3. Find lim x→3

x2 −9 x−3

4 If

4. Find lim x→π/6

cos(x) 1

e−1 I

5. Find lim x→−3

x2 + 5x + 6

x + 3


4 beginning

6. Find lim x→1

√ x−1 x−1

6 mathematics

7. Find lim y→2

√ y + 2−2 y −2


π and

8. Find lim h→0

(2 + h)2 −22


2 √ 3


9. Find lim x→0


x 2 start

10. Find lim x→0


x2 e−1 studies

11. Find the average rate of change of −8 Plato f(x) = x2 on the interval [1,2]

12. Find the average rate of change of 1

2 would

f(x) = 2x + 3 on the interval [1,2]

13. Find the average rate of change of 3 again f(x) = sin(x) on the interval [0,π]

14. Find the average rate of change of

√ 3

2 of

f(x) = tan(x) on the interval [0,π/4]



15. Find the average rate of change of −1 were f(x) = cos(x) on the interval [0,π/4]

16. Find the average rate of change of ∞ with f(x) = ln(x) on the interval [1,e]

17. Find the average rate of change of DNE advice f(x) = ex on the interval [0,1]

8 16 5 11 7 2

17, 16 6 15 13 9

4 1 14 12 10 3

-Galileo Galilei

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