Numbers And Operations

POLI 102 Chapter 1 – Quiz 1

Thursday January 21, 2016 (Due in class on Friday, January 29-late submissions will not be accepted)

Note: This quiz constitutes 10% of the overall grade


True OR False?

1. The two-party competition has helped states’ resurgence.


2. Capacity is the ability of government to respond effectively to change, to make decisions efficiently and responsively, and to manage conflict.


3. Government efficiency refers to its accomplishing what it sets out to do.


4. The key point of this chapter is that the non-national govts play a central role in the federal system.

5. Federalism is a system in which powers are shared between national and non-national govts.


6. Over the past thirty years, state governments have become more dependent on the federal government for revenues.


7. To deal with the complexities of governing, in the 19900, states became more reactive rather than proactive.

8. As a rule, state governments prefer to increase the so-called “sin” taxes on alcohol and tobacco, and only reluctantly raise sales and income taxes.


9. Among the factors that contributed to state resurgence are reformed constitutions and institutions, and the presence of active state and local lobbyist organizations at the national level.

10. States have become increasingly innovative in inventing ways to enhance their revenue systems.

11. The first Amber Alert system to broadcast information about abducted children is an example of a federally initiated program adopted by the states.


12. Interstate cooperation fosters a healthy climate for joint problem solving among the states.


13. Tension between the national and non-national governments is minimal in a federal system.


14. Unfunded mandates imposed by federal legislation are welcomed by the states because they provide much needed guidance.


15. In the area of economic development, inter-jurisdictional conflict is a common problem.


16. New ideas and programs implemented at the state level.


17. Unfunded mandates imposed by federal legislation often create a financial burden for states.


18. Fiscal stress refers to the pressures created when expenditures are greater than revenues.


19. When states bid against one another for economic development they often use tax breaks and regulatory relaxation to attract business and industry.


20. Population trends of the last decade have resulted in population shifts from the Frostbelt states to Sunbelt states.


21. When political conflicts emerge from deeply held moral values on issues such as gay rights, abortion, or pornography it is informally known as culture wars.


22. The unique characteristics of the fifty states, as described in your text, are diversity, competitiveness and resiliency.


23. The authors of the textbook conclude that revitalized state and local governments are taking charge and producing results.


24. According to your text, what defines the U.S. federal system?

a) cooperation and conflict

b) intervention and intrusion

c) capacity and conflict

d) interdependence and autonomy


25. During what time period were the states characterized as “havens of traditionalism and inactivity”?

a) the 1950s and 1960s

b) the 1960s and 1970s

c) the 1970s and 1980s

d) the 1980s and 1990s


26. All of the following have contributed to the resurgence of the states except

a) more equitable representation regarding legislative apportionment.

b) the extension of two-party competition.

c) a reduced focus on lobbying efforts.

d) a restructuring of state institutions.


27. Economic downturns and limits on taxing and spending have caused states to

a) continue to depend wholly on federal revenue sharing.

b) implement new and innovative revenue-raising strategies.

c) resist efforts to grant local governments flexibility.

d) continue to depend on federal grants-in-aid as their primary source of revenue.


28. State rainy day funds, legalized gambling through state-run lotteries and pari-mutuels, and extension of the sales tax to services are examples of

a) efforts that have generally failed to generate additional revenue.

b) expenditure equity strategies.

c) tax equity strategies.

d) revenue diversification strategies.


29. New ideas and programs implemented at the state level

a) are the result of the lobbying efforts of the states.

b) are usually an extension of a federal program already in place.

c) are usually generated by the private sector.

d) are spread rapidly between jurisdictions as states learn from one another.


30. Increased national-state conflict seems the inevitable result of

a) more capable state and local governments.

b) the federal government’s efforts to control the state’s ability to respond to change.

c) the states’ dependency on federal programs and revenue sources.

d) the state courts’ involvement in national-state issues.


31. Unfunded mandates imposed by federal legislation

a) are welcomed by the states because they provide much needed guidance.

b) were once a source of considerable irritation to the states but the Unfunded Mandate Act passed by Congress now provides ample federal funds to cover mandates.

c) have eased the tension between the federal government and the states.

d) often create a financial burden for states.


32. Fiscal stress refers to

a) the pressures states and local governments face regarding interjurisdictional problems.

b) the pressures states and local governments face regarding interstate conflicts.

c) the pressures created when expenditures are greater than revenues.

d) the pressures created when revenues are greater than expenditures.


33. When states bid against one another for economic development they

a) enhance interstate cooperation.

b) often use tax breaks and regulatory relaxation to attract business and industry.

c) rely on federal guidelines to ensure business incentives are equal between competing states.

d) usually work out agreements that allow other states to share in the economic benefits.


34. What term does your text use to refer to a characteristic of government that is open and understandable, one in which officials are accountable to the public?

a) honesty

b) visibility

c) up-frontness

d) transparency


35. According to Census Bureau data, the fastest growing states during the period of 2000 to 2009 were located in the

a) West.

b) Midwest.

c) Northeast.

d) South.


36. Population trends of the last decade have

a) resulted in population losses for some states, such as Nevada and Arizona.

b) resulted in unprecedented growth in the Midwest and Northeast.

c) resulted in population shifts from the Frostbelt states to Sunbelt states.

d) had little effect on state and local governments.


37. The unofficial region of the United States generally consisting of the Northeast and the Midwest is known as the

a) Sunbelt.

b) Great Lakes region.

c) Snowbelt.

d) Frostbelt.


38. When political conflicts emerge from deeply held moral values on issues such as gay rights, abortion, or pornography it is informally known as

a) culture wars.

b) moral hostility.

c) societal warfare.

d) divided conflict.


39. The unique characteristics of the fifty states, as described in your text, are

a) openness, independence, and diversity.

b) diversity, competitiveness, and resiliency.

c) openness, accommodation, and interdependence.

d) diversity, independence, and innovation.


40. The authors of the text conclude that revitalized state and local governments are

a) becoming less proactive in their approach to new problems.

b) taking charge and producing results.

c) becoming less resilient in the face of ongoing challenges.

d) surviving, but having to take a back seat to the national government.

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