Human Research Paper

Write a 4-page research paper, titled Pay for Performance Controversial in APA 7 format using the terms, concepts, and theories in the chapters provided on the main points below (they become Level One Headings).

Choose any U.S. based business entity and answer the 3 points below:

1. Identify how an organization could measure the effectiveness of their pay-for-performance plans (provide examples to support your ideas or concepts).

2. Discuss the disadvantages of using a pay-for-performance plan from an employee’s perspective.

3. Discuss the disadvantages of using a pay-for-performance plan from an employer’s perspective.


-Double-spaced, 4 pages not counting the title, Abstract, and reference pages

-Title Page: Pay for Performance Controversial



-The body of the paper addresses the main points of your discussion

-Headings used to organize the body of the paper


-Reference page with 5 references and properly cited in the text

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