Human Resource Management homework help

Answer all 6 questions.


1.      Cultural Diversity Training  Please respond to the following:


·         From the standpoint of Dr. Barnes in Incident 2, determine how you would improve the cultural diversity training that addresses inclusion activities and state why you believe this is important.


·         Knowing that the Chair of your department communicated your frustration to the Dean, determine how you would proceed. Justify your position.


2.      I Hate My Stupid Boss  Please respond to the following:


·         From Incident 3, analyze the ramifications to all stakeholders when employees share negative comments on public sites about the organization.


·         Take a position on the following and provide your rationale: Organizations have the right to discipline employees who post negative comments about the organization or employees of the organization on their personal social media sites.


3.      Employee Benefits Decisions”  Please respond to the following:


·         Assess the role and importance of the employee health benefits committee in making the decision about employee health care.


·         Select the option you believe to be best and justify your selection.


4.      Phased Retirement Options”  Please respond to the following:


·         Analyze the three retirement options you prepared according to the skill builder instructions and make your recommendation to the company about which to implement.


·         Create a project timeline that allows for the implementation to occur.


5.      Executive Bonuses and Incentives Please respond to the following:


·         From Exercise 3, take into consideration all the facts presented to make a recommendation about short-term (bonuses) and long-term (stock incentive plans) executive incentives. Assess how this ties to business strategy.


·         Compare the interests and concerns of stockholders, employees, and customers. Determine which stakeholder has the most to gain from your recommendation regarding executive bonuses and incentives.


6.      Compensation Administration”  Please respond to the following:


·         From Exercise 4, recommend an approach to responding to the email requests received as the new wage and salary administrator.


·         Assess how your approach addresses employee separation and retention.

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