HRM Plays An Important Role In Organizations By Balancing The Sometimes Competing

1. HRM plays an important role in organizations by balancing the sometimes competing demands of: (Points : 5)
competitive challenges and international challenges.
competitive challenges and international challenges.
employee concerns and HRM challenges.
competitive challenges and employee concerns.

Human resources planning is:
(Points : 5)
a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a job.
the process of anticipating and making provision for movement of people into, within, and out of an organization.
the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve these objectives.
the process of determining the primary direction of the firm.

3. Individuals protected by federal equal employment opportunity laws include all of the following except: (Points : 5)
People over age 50.

4. A job specification is: (Points : 5)
a group of related activities and duties.
the different duties and responsibilities performed by one employee.
a statement of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform work.
a statement of the tasks, duties and responsibilities associated with work.

5. Job enrichment is touted as helping employees with: (Points : 5)
self-esteem and job satisfaction
dissatisfaction with pay
employment security
dissatisfaction with benefits

6. Which of the following is the most effective source for recruitment? (Points : 5)
executive search firms
help-wanted advertisements
employee referrals
private employment agencies

7. Placing a priority on finding individuals that meet broader organizational requirements than job skills, including those who match the values or culture of the organization is called: (Points : 5)
Advanced selection
Person-job fit
Person-organization fit
Person-value fit

The terms “training” and “development”:
(Points : 5)
mean the same thing
both refer to short term skill development efforts
refer to a short term performance orientation vs. a longer term skill development, respectively
refer to skills development in low level vs. managerial employees, respectively

9. The most common method used for training nonmanagerial employees is: (Points : 5)
vestibule training
computer-based instruction
on-the-job training

10. The two primary purposes of performance appraisals are: (Points : 5)
informative and developmental.
managerial and administrative.
managerial and informative.
administrative and developmental.

11. Pay-for-performance programs: (Points : 5)
tie rewards to firm profitability
are easy to implement and measure
tie rewards to employee effort
result in negligible increases in output

12. Employees covered by the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act are labeled: (Points : 5)
protected workers.
nonexempt employees.
salaried workers.
exempt employees.

Profit sharing refers to any procedure by which an employer pays employees:
(Points : 5)
an incentive based on their merit.
an incentive based on labor cost savings.
a bonus based on the overall productivity of their particular work group.
current or deferred sums based on the organization’s financial performance

14. Flexible benefit plans: (Points : 5)

are offered to employees who then must purchase each benefit they select

are favored by employers because they reduce administration costs
result in wasted benefits because of the number of different types available to employees
allow employees to choose benefits suited to their needs

15. Holiday pay, sick leave, and vacation pay are examples of: (Points : 5)
payment for time not worked
benefits required by law
categories of health care benefits
unearned benefits

16. A major trend in preferences for individual medical care is toward nontraditional approaches that commonly involve greater use of: (Points : 5)
patient participation
oriental techniques
specialized equipment
relaxation therapy

17. Which of the following is the dominant principle governing private-sector employment relationships? (Points : 5)
the employment-at-will principle
the job-as-property doctrine
implied contract rules
implied covenant rules

18. Which of the following is not a major reason employees desire to unionize? (Points : 5)
political issues
economical needs
dissatisfaction with management
social and status concerns

19. The United Auto Workers, United Mine Workers, United Steelworkers, and Office and Professional Employees International Union are all classified as ____ unions. (Points : 5)

20. An organizational form that has fully autonomous units operating in multiple countries is: (Points : 5)
an international corporation
a multinational corporation
a transnational corporation
a global enterprise

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