Nursing homework help

Parts 6 and 7  have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Parts 8 and 9  have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Parts 10 and 11  have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

1) Minimum 21 pages  (No word count per page)-   Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page ( minimum 300 words per page)

You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.  

The number of words in each paragraph should be similar

24 hours: 7 pages

48 hours: 8 pages

72 hours: 6 pages

Part 1: minimum 3 pages (48 hours)

Part 2: minimum 1 page (24 hours)

Part 3: minimum 3 pages (48 hours)

Part 4: minimum 3 pages (72 hours)

Part 5: minimum 3 pages (72 hours)

Part 6: minimum 1 page (24 hours)

Part 7: minimum 1 page (24 hours)

Part 8: minimum 1 page (24 hours)

Part 9: minimum 1 page (24 hours)

Part 10: minimum 1 page (48 hours)

Part 11: minimum 1 page (48 hours)

Part 12: minimum 2 pages (24 hours)

Submit 1 document per part

2)¨******APA norms

        The number of words in each paragraph should be similar

        Must be written in the third person

All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph

The writing must be coherent, using connectors or conjunctive to extend, add information, or contrast information.

Bulleted responses are not accepted

Don’t write in the first person

  Do not use subtitles or titles      

         Don’t copy and paste the questions.

Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

Submit 1 document per part

3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)

4) Minimum 3 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

Part 1:  Minimum 5 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)

All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed

5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next


Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

Q 2. Health is XXXX

Q3. Research is…………………………………………………. (a) The relationship between……… (b) EBI has to

6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: 


Part 1.doc

Part 2.doc


Part 1: Culture in Nursing

Culture: Mexican

Health belief system: Santa Muerte- death ‘saint.’


1. Introduction and (One paragraph)

a. How the Health belief system impacts the culture

b. Explain the creation between Santa Muerte- death ‘saint’ and heath in this culture

2. Explain the origins of the health beliefs in this culture (One paragraph)

3. How the  Health belief system  benefits the culture(One paragraph)

4. How the  Health belief system  affects  the culture(One paragraph)

5. Explain the potentially harmful in this Health belief system for the population (Culture)(One paragraph)

6. Explain the essential principles that nurses must understand to integrate this  Health belief system into their practices (One paragraph)

7. How can nurses integrate this Health belief system into their practices(One paragraph)

8. If the nurses integrate this  Health belief system,(One paragraph)

a. How will this culture benefit?

9. Conclusion(One paragraph)

Part 2: Nursing Leadership


1. Describe who should be involved in the organizational strategic plan. (One paragraph)

2. Give an example of a strategic plan for increasing staffing on a med/surg unit that is only staffed at 50 percent.  (One paragraph)

3. Describe the patient care model utilized and  (One paragraph)

a. Why.

Part 3: Nursing Leadership

Topic: Conflict

1. Introduction and (One paragraph)

a. How does the conflict impacts the nurse’s activities

b. How does the conflict affect the leadership

2. Explain the conflict types (Two paragraphs: One paragraph for a and b; One paragraph for c and d)

a. Assertive

b. Aggressive

c. Passive

d. Passive aggressive

3. Describe whether or not conflict is constructive or destructive (One paragraph).

a. Give one example of  conflict constructive and destructive (One paragraph)

4. Explain the leadership role in facing the conflict in nursing (Two paragraphs)

5. How can good leadership affect the outcome of a conflict? (Two paragraphs)

6. What is the difference between problem resolution and negotiation (Two paragraphs)

7. Give one example in nursing under what circumstances you would use (Two paragraphs)

a. Problem resolution (One paragraph)

b. Negotiation (One paragraph)

8. How can nurses be trained to face any conflict type as leaders (One paragraph)

9. Conclusion  (One paragraph)


Part 4: Writing and rhetorical

Topic:  Is it possible that implementing a mental health program for students ages 11-17 in Florida high schools could reduce the incidence of shootings in schools?

New Sources and My Rhetorical Purpose

Research is a recursive process, meaning that we have to keep returning to it with fresh eyes. Each time we go back, we have new things we are looking for and new understanding of the ideas we’re reading about. At work and at school, as we get further along in a project, we will need more and different research to complete the different phases of the project and we may have revisit sources we already looked at.

Check file 1, 2 and 3 (pending)


For this assignment, I want you to find 3 new sources to use in your Unit 3 project.

1. Socurse 1 (Check file 1) (Three paragraphs)

a. Write a brief explanation (One paragraph)

b.  Why you are adding that source to your list (One paragraph)

i. What new information will be added to the project

c. What section or portion of your document will it help you write? (One paragraph)

i. What specific part of source, or what specific information within the source, will you use?

2. Socurse 2 (Check file 2) (Three paragraphs)

a. Write a brief explanation (One paragraph)

b.  Why you are adding that source to your list (One paragraph)

i. What new information will be added to the project

c. What section or portion of your document will it help you write? (One paragraph)

i. What specific part of source, or what specific information within the source, will you use?

3. Socurse 3 (Check file 3) (Three paragraphs)

a. Write a brief explanation (One paragraph)

b.  Why you are adding that source to your list (One paragraph)

i. What new information will be added to the project

c. What section or portion of your document will it help you write? (One paragraph)

i. What specific part of source, or what specific information within the source, will you use?

Part 5: Writing and rhetorical

Topic:   Could legally recognizing female sex work in Florida increase the health indicator of this population due to free access to the health system?

New Sources and My Rhetorical Purpose

Research is a recursive process, meaning that we have to keep returning to it with fresh eyes. Each time we go back, we have new things we are looking for and new understanding of the ideas we’re reading about. At work and at school, as we get further along in a project, we will need more and different research to complete the different phases of the project and we may have revisit sources we already looked at.

Check file 1, 2 and 3 (pending)


For this assignment, I want you to find 3 new sources to use in your Unit 3 project.

1. Socurse 1 (Check file 1) (Three paragraphs)

a. Write a brief explanation (One paragraph)

b.  Why you are adding that source to your list (One paragraph)

i. What new information add to the project

c. What section or portion of your document will it help you write? (One paragraph)

i. What specific part of source, or what specific information within the source, will you use?

2. Socurse 2 (Check file 2) (Three paragraphs)

a. Write a brief explanation (One paragraph)

b.  Why you are adding that source to your list (One paragraph)

i. What new information add to the project

c. What section or portion of your document will it help you write? (One paragraph)

i. What specific part of source, or what specific information within the source, will you use?

3. Socurse 3 (Check file 3) (Three paragraphs)

a. Write a brief explanation (One paragraph)

b.  Why you are adding that source to your list (One paragraph)

i. What new information add to the project

c. What section or portion of your document will it help you write? (One paragraph)

i. What specific part of source, or what specific information within the source, will you use?


Parts 6 and 7  have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 6: Introduction to recreational therapy



Mario is a young adult with Autism Spectrum Disorder who attends an Adult Day Training Program. He wears the same t-shirt every day and only eats pizza for lunch. During recreation activities, he focuses on the tasks without engaging with peers. He withdraws from activities that require him to talk or cooperate with others.



Robert is a home health care client who had a stroke and is experiencing emotional lability (rapid and exaggerated changes in mood). Also, he was recently provided with walker for safe ambulation. Every day for the last 5 days, Robert has forgotten that he has a walker and is often found walking around the house without it, increasing his fall risk and risk for injury.

1. For each case determine two goals (one paragraph)

a. Case 1

i. Goal 1: social domain

ii. Goal 2: leisure-based

b. Case 2:

i. Goal 1: physical domain

ii. Goal 2: emotional-based

2. For each case determine two objectives including (Condition; Behavior and Criteria) -one objective for each goal  (one paragraph)

a. Case 1

i. Objective 1

– Condition

– Behavior

– Criteria

ii. Objective 2

– Condition

– Behavior

– Criteria

b. Case 2:

i. Objective 1

– Condition

– Behavior

– Criteria

ii. Objective 2

– Condition

– Behavior

– Criteria

2. Explain why you chose these goal areas to focus   (one paragraph)

a. Case 1

i. Goal 1

i. Goal 2

b Case 2

i. Goal 1

i. Goal 2

Part 7: Introduction to recreational therapy



Mario is a young adult with Autism Spectrum Disorder who attends an Adult Day Training Program. He wears the same t-shirt every day and only eats pizza for lunch. During recreation activities, he focuses on the tasks without engaging with peers. He withdraws from activities that require him to talk or cooperate with others.



Robert is a home health care client who had a stroke and is experiencing emotional lability (rapid and exaggerated changes in mood). Also, he was recently provided with walker for safe ambulation. Every day for the last 5 days, Robert has forgotten that he has a walker and is often found walking around the house without it, increasing his fall risk and risk for injury.

1. For each case determine two goals (one paragraph)

a. Case 1

i. Goal 1: social domain

ii. Goal 2: leisure-based

b. Case 2:

i. Goal 1: physical domain

ii. Goal 2: emotional-based

2. For each case determine two objectives including (Condition; Behavior and Criteria) -one objective for each goal  (one paragraph)

a. Case 1

i. Objective 1

– Condition

– Behavior

– Criteria

ii. Objective 2

– Condition

– Behavior

– Criteria

b. Case 2:

i. Objective 1

– Condition

– Behavior

– Criteria

ii. Objective 2

– Condition

– Behavior

– Criteria

2. Explain why you chose these goal areas to focus   (one paragraph)

a. Case 1

i. Goal 1

i. Goal 2

b Case 2

i. Goal 1

i. Goal 2

Parts 8 and 9  have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 8: Inclusive recreation services

Topic:  Adaptations, Accommodations, and Advocacy

This list prioritizes these 10 actions from most to least important. 

Survey architectural barriers and share results

Conduct an evaluation of people who are oppressed and share results.

Discuss the problems that attitudinal barriers create.

Write to media outlets complimenting them on positive portrayals of diverse individuals.

Write letters to newspapers urging changes to attitudinal barriers.

Meet with a legislator and learn about civil rights policies and laws.

Form an advocacy committee to work on removing barriers.

Educate people about recreation services available to all people.

Organize a Diversity Awareness Day.

Teach awareness activities to community groups.

1. What is an advocate and why is advocacy necessary? (One paragraph)

2. Explain how do we advocate for those who have been oppressed? (One paragraph)

3. Look back at the 10 advocacy actions you prioritized (One paragraph)

a. Which one could you start immediately?

b. And how could you accomplish that goal/what is your plan?

Part 9: Inclusive recreation services

Topic:  Adaptations, Accommodations, and Advocacy

This list prioritizes these 10 actions from most to least important. 

Select a recreation activity, choose a group of people that has been oppressed in some manner, and identify helpful accommodations.

Conduct an evaluation of people who are oppressed and share results.

Develop services to assist families who are oppressed.

Keep media informed of successes of members of an oppressed group.

Survey architectural barriers and share results.

Discuss ways to involve people in activities and remove barriers.

Sponsor an idea exchange on ways to promote inclusion.

Plan exhibits to create awareness about oppressed groups.

Write letters to newspapers urging changes to attitudinal barriers.

Meet with a legislator and learn about civil rights policies and laws.

1. What is an advocate and why is advocacy necessary? (One paragraph)

2. Explain how do we advocate for those who have been oppressed? (One paragraph)

3. Look back at the 10 advocacy actions you prioritized (One paragraph)

a. Which one could you start immediately?

b. And how could you accomplish that goal/what is your plan?

Parts 10 and 11  have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 10: Inclusive recreation services

Topic: Make Adaptations

It is important to focus on making reasonable adaptations to materials, activities, the environment, instructional strategies, and participant access/involvement to promote inclusion.  A skilled leisure professional should be able to anticipate needs for adaptations before delivering activities/programs, make adaptations and modifications during the activity, and evaluate activities after delivery to address barriers and address the varying needs and abilities of participants receiving services.

Here are some examples of items available: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Adapting the means in which a leisure professional instructs participants with disabilities is also important.  Dattilo provides some considerations for instructional strategies.  For those of you going into recreational therapy, you will learn more about task analysis, breaking down an activity/task into its core components to be taught separately.  I have had to use activity task analysis in every setting I have worked in, prior to every activity I implement.  If you don’t know the components to an activity

1. How can you properly teach it to someone else, and more importantly (One paragraph)

a. How can you adapt that activity so participants with disabilities can be successful?

2. Explain your current experience with adapting an activity to participants with disabilities (One paragraph)

3. When you adapt an activity (One paragraph)

a. How do they react to the participants with disabilities

b. There is an emotional and physical benefit for participants with disabilities

Part 11: Inclusive recreation services

Topic: Make Adaptations

It is important to focus on making reasonable adaptations to materials, activities, the environment, instructional strategies, and participant access/involvement to promote inclusion.  A skilled leisure professional should be able to anticipate needs for adaptations before delivering activities/programs, make adaptations and modifications during the activity, and evaluate activities after delivery to address barriers and address the varying needs and abilities of participants receiving services.

Here are some examples of items available: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Adapting the means in which a leisure professional instructs participants with disabilities is also important.  Dattilo provides some considerations for instructional strategies.  For those of you going into recreational therapy, you will learn more about task analysis, breaking down an activity/task into its core components to be taught separately.  I have had to use activity task analysis in every setting I have worked in, prior to every activity I implement.  If you don’t know the components to an activity

1. How can you properly teach it to someone else, and more importantly (One paragraph)

a. How can you adapt that activity so participants with disabilities can be successful?

2. Explain your current experience with adapting an activity to participants with disabilities (One paragraph)

3. When you adapt an activity (One paragraph)

a. How do they react to the participants with disabilities

b. There is an emotional and physical benefit for participants with disabilities

Part 12:  Psychopharmacology

Topic: Dementia Agents

Eleanor is a 77-year-old white female resident of a skilled nursing facility. Recently her daughter requested an evaluation from the staff psychologist because she noticed that her mother’s Alzheimer’s symptoms appeared to be getting worse. Eleanor was admitted to the facility six months ago with moderately severe cognitive and physical decline and had to be placed in a skilled facility since she could no longer manage herself at home. Her daughter is a single mother of four teens and works too many hours to care for her mother in her home. She had attempted to care for her until Eleanor left the stove on, resulting in a minor kitchen fire. Eleanor has no history of mental illness, but she began to show signs of cognitive decline in her late fifties. The symptoms became much more pronounced after her husband’s death five years ago.

Recently her daughter and other members of the nursing staff noticed that Eleanor has become rather restless and combative. When she gets confused over her surroundings, she wanders through the halls attempting to open fire doors. When nurses attempt to redirect her back to her room, she swears at them and even struck one of them in the face. Her PCP authorized the use of restraints one day after she managed to wander out the front door and was found standing in the middle of the street trying to take a dog away from a woman who was walking it. She yelled at the woman, telling her that she needed the dog to protect her from people who were stealing her clothing in the nursing home.

1. Create a list (In a paragraph) of the patient’s problems and prioritize them. (One paragraph)

2. According to DSM-V, explain what diagnosis should be considered (One paragraph)

a. Explain

3. Explain three differential diagnosis  (One paragraph)

4. Explain three tests or screening tools that should be considered to help identify the correct diagnosis (One paragraph)

a. According to the case, explain the  expected outcomes for each test

5. Treatment (One paragraph)

a. Pharmacology

i. Drug(s)

ii. Dosage

iii. Time

b. Psychotherapy

i. purpose

ii. Expected outcomes

c. Psychoeducation

i. purpose

ii. Expected outcomes

6. Explain two standard guidelines to assess or treat this patient (One paragraph)

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