Guidelines for your response posts:

· Respond to at least one classmates’ posts prior to Sunday midnight.

· Response posts must be at least 100 words (equivalent to at least 1/4-page of double-spaced 12-pt. font text) or more.

· All discussion boards should be submitted in APA style (7th edition).

· discussion board response posts require at least one outside and peer-reviewed article as a reference in your posts. Please choose a reliable source, sources such as Wikipedia are unacceptable.



What is your Implicit Bias

Due on: Sunday, June 13 at 11:59 pm

Implicit bias involves associations outside conscious awareness that leads to a negative evaluation of a person on the basis of irrelevant characteristics such as race, age or gender.  The assignment is to take any one of the Implicit Association Tests (IAT) to measure attitudes and beliefs you may not know about consciously.  The IAT may be especially interesting if it shows that you have an implicit bias attitude that you did not know about.  For example, you may believe that women and men should be equally associated with science, but your automatic associations could show that you (like many others) associate men with science more than you associate women with science


1.Log on to the Implicit Project:



2.  Follow the directions and take an IAT on a topic of your choice

3.  What did you discover about yourself?

4.  Were you aware of the implicit bias you had toward the characteristic you selected?

5.  How will you use this information to guide your nursing practice?





Here is the post to rely to below (support the paper or refute but in a respective manner).


Implicit bias denotes an unconscious belief, attitude or association towards a social group (FitzGerald, & Hurst, 2017). Implicit bias causes individuals to attribute specific characteristics or qualities to every member of a particular group which passes as stereotyping.

I took an implicit association test and discovered that I have a moderate automatic preference for Christianity over Islam. However, I was not aware of my implicit bias towards religion because I thought I held all religions equally.

To effectively practice my nursing career, I have to combat my unconscious bias to ensure that all individuals under my care get equal access and quality care regardless of being Muslim and Christian. I have to look inward and recognize my beliefs and values, leading to unconscious bias. This can help me self-regulate my behaviors which can help me recognize the behaviors and attitudes that are acceptable and those that are not acceptable. I also have to acknowledge that the problem exists and accept accountability and responsibility to make a difference.

I will also use this information to initiate responses that foster positive behavior, including empathy. Nurses develop empathy to be conscious of their patients’ situations and get absorbed in the patient’s point of view (Lori, & Bucknor-Ferron, 2021). I have to empathize with all patients equally to understand what they are feeling. I will also use advocacy in my practice. I will advocate for patients using kind-heartedness, tact, and professionalism to communicate and collaborate with my colleagues to support the needs of all patients. To effectively ensure that my colleagues and I do not involve unconscious bias regarding religion, I will raise awareness and help others recognize that unconscious bias exists and help reduce its prevalence. I will also focus on sensitivity and the existence of social bias within the healthcare system. I will educate other nurses during our daily interactions, staff meetings and allowing my colleagues to share their experiences with religion and beliefs to explore the options to mitigate unconscious bias regarding education.

I did not see myself as being biased when it comes to Christianity and Islam. Therefore, I have to change his attitude because it can worsen and lead to disparities within the healthcare system. Therefore, I have to employ personal awareness, acknowledge the issue, employ empathy, advocate for patients, and educate my colleagues to deal with this challenge and prevent inequalities in healthcare.



FitzGerald, C., & Hurst, S. (2017). Implicit bias in healthcare professionals: a systematic review. BMC medical ethics, 18(1), 1-18.

Lori, Z. & Bucknor-Ferron, P. (2021). Five strategies to combat unconscious bias. Nursing Center. https://www.nursingcenter.com/journalarticle?Article_ID=3832944&Journal_ID=54016&Issue_ID=3832735

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