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Campaigns carried out on:

Social media

Traditional media – TV, billboards, etc.

Continued… (Current Lobbying Efforts)

Holding events and meetings.

The organization holds events throughout the year.

Notable upcoming events are:

Women with Balls Event Scheduled for November 9, 2021.

Project Lead scheduled for July 24, 2022.

Meeting policy makers.

Presenting petitions to the White House

Key Partner Coalitions

NBCC’s key partner coalitions are:

Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition.

Minnesota Breast Cancer Coalition.

Young Survival Coalition.

Michigan Breast Cancer Coalition.

Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation.

Florida Breast Cancer Foundation.

Key Partner Coalitions (Continues)

Other Key partners are:

Nueva Vida.

SHARE Cancer Support.

Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation.

Cedars Sinai Breast Center.

Care Advocates Network.

Translational Research in Oncology (TRIO).

How their Partnerships Influence Policies at All Levels

NBCC’s partnerships influence policies at all levels.

The partnerships influence policies by encouraging policy makers to create good breast cancer policies.

The partnerships have resulted in the introduction of several laws and bills, such as:

The Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Act.

The Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act.

Key Obstacles

Interest groups face many obstacles.

A key obstacle for NBCC is inadequate financial support.

Financial constraints adversely impact NBCC’s activities.

The sources of the organization’s funds are:

Corporate sponsorships

Contributions from individuals




Spending Allocations

NBCC relies on donor funds.

The organization’s yearly spending allocations are close to $3 million.

In 2020, NBCC’s expenses were $2.9 million (NBCC, 2021).

Last year, the spending allocations were as follows:

Catalytic research (26% of funds at its disposal).

Public policy – 11.5%

Education and training – 24.3%

Public information/campaigns – 11.6%

Management and general expenses – 8% (NBCC, 2021)



NBCC plays a vital role in society.

It seeks to stop breast cancer.

It seeks to attain its objectives through:

Advocacy, education, training, and media campaigns.

Strategic partnerships.


Research programs.


National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC). (2021). 2020 annual report. https://www.stopbreastcancer.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/NBCC-2020-Annual-Report_FNL-1.pdf

National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC). (n.d.). About us. https://www.stopbreastcancer.org/who-we-are/about-us/

Richter, L. (2019). Challenging dominant breast cancer research agendas: perspectives on the outcomes of the interagency breast cancer and environment research coordinating committee. Environmental Health, 18(41), 1-12.

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