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Influence of the Consensus Model for APRN: LACE. Why is it Important?

The consensus model was developed by 4o different nursing groups coming together in order to create a way to regulate Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education (LACE) through the use of the Consensus Model. This model was created in order to reduce the inconsistencies between states. The states that adopt the consensus model enable increased mobility of APRNs and increased access to care for the patient (Doherty 2018). Several states have yet to adopt this model. States that have not adopted this model, can be creating additional barriers of practice to the APRN and limiting access to care for its citizens. The Consensus model allows APRNs to practice to the fullest extent of their education, training, and licensure nationwide (Mack 2018).

It is vital that nurses have an agenda to move forward. Just as nursing associations, states, and federal agencies have an agenda, we need the Consensus model to assist us to continue to move in the right direction. This is also part of us looking to the local area, state regulations, and owning our own practice (Patton 2019). Accountability is part of our profession. We have an obligation to the society that allows us to be licensed, ourselves, our patients, and to our profession (Weberg 2019). “The Consensus Model provides guidance for states to adopt uniformity in the regulation of APRN roles, licensure, accreditation, certification and education” (NCSBN 2021 para 1).

Currently, APRNs do not face the same regulations when going from state to state. Each state board of nursing and the local legislative parties at the state level determine if the APRN meets the licensure regulations. Due to the lack of standardizing or expanding the APRN role some states make this change more difficult and place additional limitations on the APRN. If an APRN moves from one state to another, they may not be able to have full practice authority. The APRN Consensus Model has set out to eliminate these issues and establish standards of practice for APRN licensure and practice (Buck 2021).





The APRN Consensus Model is a framework for establishing definitions for the various advanced practice nursing roles as well as standardizing licensure, accreditation, certification, and education for advanced practice nurses. This model was developed in 2008 by the APRN Consensus Work Group and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing APRN Advisory Committee.  The APRN Consensus Model recognizes four advanced nursing roles including certified registered nurses anesthetist, certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, and certified nurse practitioner. These four different titles are given the title combined titled APRN (Doherty, Pawlow & Becker, 2018). Per the APRN Consensus Model, an APRN is a nurse who has completed graduate-level nursing education, has passed a national certification exam, has acquired clinical knowledge and skills sufficient to assess, diagnose, and manage patients, has clinical experience and who has obtained a license to practice in one of the four recognized APRN roles. The APRN Consensus model benefits not only the nursing profession but also patients as well as current and future APRNs. For patients, the adoption of uniform standards for APRNs helps assure they are being cared for by a competent individual who has completed requirements consistent across all states. The model gives advanced practice nurses confidence that they have completed appropriate training for their role and that the APRN role and scope of practice will not change even if they go practice in a different location.  The model has a profound effect.  Firstly, it has united national certification organizations, state boards of nursing, and nursing programs in their definition of APRN roles so that nurses who week to practice as APRNs face the same standards irrespective of state. It has established educational requirements for licensure and certification, specifying the clinical experience and classes that must be completed in each education program. The model has clarified the role of APRNs, ensured that they receive sufficient training to practice safely, and established standards that reaffirm the qualifications of APRNs to practice independently across the US.  This model influences the advancements of education for nurses, for instance, guaranteed degree education for certifications which will have to be approved and taken through the accreditation process. Every individual nurse will be registered and licensed individually as an independent practitioner. It means that nurses will not just be licensed in the special area also instead, they will become subject to their professional organization

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