Reply 1 And 2

reply 1


With the increase in patients with mental health disorders and the decrease in mental health practitioners, it is necessary to have ARNP capable of diagnosing, treatment and providing prescriptive medications to keep quality, safe mental health care accessible to their practice patients. Utilization of ARNPs to provide direct care to patients with mental health disorders could increase compliancy rather than having patients wait for an available appointment. I chose this topic for two separate reasons. In the acute care setting, I found that patients with mental health disorders who were being evaluated for a medical condition were not receiving treatment while hospitalized for their mental health concerns, specifically acute issues. The attending physician would consult tele psych and the patient would be place on a long list of consults. Many physicians are conservative about treating patients with mental health concerns. Another reason I identified this problem is because I have a daughter with mental health concerns and had an acute exacerbation of her anxiety requiring a visit to her psychiatrist. The earliest appointment they had for her was 4 weeks. It ended up requiring a visit to her primary care physician to try to get her help. He would not assist her. She eventually met with the ARNP for her PCP, and she helped by listening, getting lab work and providing an additional medicine until her next appt. The ARNP also did a follow up appt the following week. This led me to wanting to research the utilization of APRN’s in the psychiatric setting. With proper training and practice, the use of APRN to help meet the needs of the patient with mental health needs will help bridge the gap to care.


In mental health patients (P), how does getting quicker treatment by a trained ARNP (I) compared to having a patient wait for an available appointment with a psychiatrist (C) affect overall the compliancy and mental healthcare of these patients (O) over a period of 6months (T)?

reply 2


e purpose of this research is to educate nurses on how to provide proper discharge teaching including using the teach-back method in order to prevent 30 day readmission of heart failure patients in my hospital.

P – My patient population are admitted patients who have a diagnosis of CHF.

I – My intervention is to educate nurses about CHF and teaching them about the teach-back method in order for patients to care of themselves properly when they get discharged.

C – There is not an alternate way of teaching the nurses other than comparing their current knowledge and giving them additional information to educate their patients more effectively.

O – To enhance nursing and patient knowledge in order to learn better self care at home to prevent them from being readmitted to the hospital within a 30 day period of discharge.

T – The time frame needed to conduct this research would be about six months.

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