Project Week 2

Table of Contents

MSN Capstone Project Proposal Form

This is a building assignment that you will be completing over Week 1 through Week 9. This is a stepwise project proposal assignment in which you will complete one (1) section each week for your MSN Capstone Project Proposal. By the end of the Week 9, this form will have been filled in completely and your MSN Capstone Project Proposal will be completed. It is important that you keep up with the Weekly Assigned Section. Each section is graded separately on a weekly basis while the final completed form will be graded with an overall grade. Each week the student will receive feedback from the instructor and the student is expected to incorporate the instructor feedback to edit and improve the weekly sections. The Week 9 final Capstone Project Proposal with be based on students incorporating the instructor’s weekly feedback.

How to use this form.

· Must use the same form for all sections. The purpose is to have a completed the entire form by the end of the course.

· Complete the week’s section with the requested information.

· There are suggested word counts for each weekly section to provide you with an idea of what is expected.

· You are to write in full sentences, paragraphs, correct grammar, and spelling.

· Use APA formatting with citations and references list.

· Refer to the MSN Capstone Project Proposal Form Example found in Week 1 and in the Course Resources tab.

· Do not delete or edit the week section instructions.

· Do not lock the form because that will stop you from editing and revising within the form.

· Leave NO blank sections. All sections are graded separately.

· You may work ahead; however, the instructor will only grade the week’s section due for the assigned week and the form must be submitted each week.

· Read the item descriptions carefully. Items request very specific information. Be sure you understand what is requested.

· Use primary sources for any references. Textbooks are not acceptable as references.


Late Assignments: Students will receive a 10-point grade reduction for each day the assignment is submitted past the due date. After three (3) days past the due date, students will receive a zero (0) for that weekly section but must complete for the final Week 9 grading.


MSN Capstone Project Proposal Form

Student Name Daniela Fernandez
MSN Program Family Nurse Practitioner
Project Title Stepwise Management of Asthma.


Week 1
State Your Clinical Question

[100 to 150 words]


· State your clinical question or topic for your capstone project proposal.

· What issue is the question/topic addressing?

· What are the reasons you selected this question/topic?


The topic proposed for the MSN Capstone project is Stepwise Management of Asthma. Asthma is one of the conditions that has raised a lot of concern in primary care due to its exponential increase. It can be described as a respiratory condition associated with attacks of spasm in the respiratory surfaces such as bronchi of the lungs. These attacks often lead to impaired breathing, affecting the well-being of people living with this condition. Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease whose symptoms cause the inflammation of bronchial tubes as well as narrowing of the airways. If untreated, Asthma can be a deadly health condition. Over 14 million patient visits are recorded each year, and of these figures, nearly 2.5 million emergency room admission are recorded annually (Morris, 2020). Even though Asthma does not easily kill, it has been found that the condition can kill, and most asthmatic patients who die are aged 50 years and above. Nevertheless, young children can also die out of Asthma.

As provided in the project topic, stepwise management of Asthma will help healthcare professionals working in primary care to provide personalized patient care for asthmatic patients. Quality and effective asthma care must also involve treating other health conditions that may exacerbate asthma symptoms. Patients need to be enlightened on how a healthy lifestyle together with stepwise treatment of Asthma can help achieve desired treatment outcomes. Good asthma care help patients control and manage asthma symptoms and promote their well-being. What needs to be understood is that with proper asthma treatment and management strategies, patients can be assisted to lead a normal active life (Slowiczek, 2019).

The compelling reason that led to the selection of stepwise management of asthma project is that Asthma has been ranked as the most common chronic condition that affects young children. It is therefore regarded as a serious condition that affects over 25 million people in the United States only. It also causes an estimate of 1.6 million emergency room visits annually. Based on these facts, Stepwise Management of Asthma will be the most appropriate healthcare approach to help combat the issues related to Asthma. Stepwise management of Asthma will also help provide patient education that will be vital in managing asthma and risk domains. (Yokoyama, 2018).









Week 2
Background Information

[200 to 250 words]


Address the following questions/bullets in completing this section:

· Start at the starting point – What, Where, When, Why, and How?

· What is known about this topic or what is the evidence on this topic (Scoping Search)?

· What is the outcome of interest?

· What are the gaps in our understanding or knowing related to this topic?

Week 3
Literature Search Strategies

[150 to 200 words]


Provide details of your exhaustive search process. Be certain to list:

· Databases searched.

· All the keywords or search phrases used.

· How many articles in total that were found?

· List the inclusion/exclusion criteria.

· Provide the number of articles that were retained and a description on why those articles were retained.

· Consider using a flowchart to outline the search process.

Week 4
Literature Review

[500 to 1000 words]


Conduct a review of the literature. Include at least five (5) research articles and/or evidence-based guidelines. Address the following questions/bullets in completing this section:

· Conduct a review of the literature.

· Provide the highlights from the research.

· Synthesize the literature on the topic.

· Summarize how the project will contribute to knowledge by filling in gaps, validating, or testing knowledge.

· Cite references in this section per APA and list the reference in the References section at the end of the form.

Week 5

PICOt Question


State your PICOt question here. Use the elements of the PICOt in separate sections below to describe each component.

· Population – Provide the description of the targeted population.

· Intervention – Describe your evidence-based intervention.

· Comparison – What is currently happening?

· Outcomes – List at least two (2) measurable outcomes.

· time – What duration of the study for the project? (e.g., usually 6 months or 3 months)






Intervention (I):




Comparison (C):




Outcomes (O):



time (t):



Week 6
P (Target Population)

[75 to 100 words]


Address the following questions/bullets in completing this section:

· Who is your target population?

· Describe your population, i.e., age, ethnicity, gender, condition/diagnosis, etc.?

· Describe the setting where this project be implemented?




Week 7
I (Intervention)

[100 to 200 words]


Address the following questions/bullets in completing this section:

· What are you planning to investigate or implement as a policy/process or program?

· What are you doing that is different than what is currently happening?

· List 2-3 potential actions that will be applied in this practice change.


NOTE: Be very specific in your description.



*For purposes of this Proposal Project Form the assumption will be that the C (Comparison Group) is ‘traditional care or current care’


Week 8
O (Outcomes to be measured)

[100 to 150 words]

Every project is required to have an evaluation plan. Address the following questions/bullets in completing this section:

· Which 2-3 outcomes are expected for your project?

· What outcomes will be measured?

· How do you plan to do this?

· What tool will you be using to measure your outcome(s)?

· What data will be used to validate success of the project?


Be sure your outcomes link to the identified problem.

· How will you know if your intervention resulted in change?




Week 9 & References
9.1 Conclusion

[200 to 250 words]


· Provide a summary for your MSN Capstone Project.

· Select and provide the rationale for three (3) competencies or specialty standards that you would expect to use in implementing this project [List of your specialty competencies are listed in the Week 9 Reflection Post]

9. 2 References

[Minimal of 5 research articles and references are paged on the last page.]


· Add your references in APA formats on the last page.








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References in APA format should begin on the next page.







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