Power Point

Week 12: Informatics in Healthcare

[Type your name here]


Type your name where indicated



Overview of Training (Process Map)

Use the drawing and text tools to create a process map that provides an overview of how staff training is linked to any update in healthcare technology for Best Hospital staff


Use the drawing and text tools to create a process map that provides an overview of how staff training is linked to any update in healthcare technology for Best Hospital staff


Staff Training Computerized Tools

[Identify computerized learning tools typically used in staff training]

Describe how you determine which tools to use (rationale)

Describe how each tool is used within the training process – i.e., part of training process, on-going support, reference, etc.


Note: add additional slides as needed


Identify computerized learning tools typically used in staff training

Describe how you determine which tools to use (rationale)

Describe how each tool is used within the training process – i.e., part of training process, on-going support, reference, etc.


Note: add additional slides as needed


Support of Continuous Staff Learning

[Describe the support mechanisms and processes at Best Hospital that support continuous staff learning and development]

Use bullet points for the main points;

Use the notes section to expand on each bullet point



Describe the support mechanisms and processes at Best Hospital that support continuous staff learning and development]

Use bullet points for the main points;

Use the notes section to expand on each bullet point



Support of Continuous Staff Learning (con’t)

[Describe how continuous learning is linked to professional development]

Use bullet points for the main points;

Use the notes section to expand on each bullet point




Describe how continuous learning is linked to professional development

Use bullet points for the main points;

Use the notes section to expand on each bullet point



Support of Continuous Staff Learning (con’t)

[Provide examples of how offered learning meets the diverse learning styles of clinic staff]

Use bullet points for the main points;

Use the notes section to expand on each bullet point




Provide examples of how offered learning meets the diverse learning styles of clinic staff

Use bullet points for the main points;

Use the notes section to expand on each bullet point



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