The Client: Describe the client (initials only), including:

o  at least 3 demographics that are related to learning (e.g. age, language, etc);

o  any “red flags” for low health literacy (for this exercise, it will be useful to assume low health literacy for your client)

o  any contributory/relevant health history (e.g. physical or cognitive limitations)

·  Analysis of Learning Needs: Including:

o  clearly identify the topic of focus for the plan

o  barriers to learning that need to be considered (e.g. developmental stage, special learning needs)

o  individual learning style(s)

o  facilitators of learning (e.g. willingness to learn; education level etc)

·  Teaching/Lesson Plan: This section will be written in a narrative format as a summary of the teaching plan in table format (see above).

·  Application of a Behavior Model/Theory.  Select ONE “Behavior Model/Theory” cited in your textbook or the pre-briefing material.  (An example would be the Health Belief Model or one of the Learning Theories).  Consider how this model/theory may apply/did apply to this teaching activity? Comment in at least 2 paragraphs.

·  Reference list.  Format in APA. Include any class content you used.

·  Appendices.  Append any visuals you used during your teaching session (links are ok).


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