Nutrition Assignment 5

Essay assignment (500 words minimum) on the obesity and overweightness epidemic, providing two (2) short-term solutions for individuals and three (3) long-term solutions for communities.


The learning objectives for this chapter build upon concepts regarding conditions that may arise from imbalances of nutrients, food intake, and energy. One such condition is obesity and overweightness. This assignment requires students to provide 2 potential short-term solutions for individuals and 3 potential long-term solutions for communities that face health crises stemming from obesity and its complications.

Students should be able to answer the following five questions:

  1. Physiology of Obesity: what are the impacts and complications that stem from obesity or overweightness?
  2. Obesity on An Individual Scale: define and explain the general concepts of obesity, and how individuals may become overweight or obese.
  3. Obesity on A Community Scale: provide real-world examples of communities who may be impacted by obesity and its complications, and how obesity can impact a community’s way of life.
  4. Short-Term Solutions: what are 2 short-term solutions for individuals who are facing obesity and its complications?
  5. Long-Term Solutions: what are 3 long-term solutions for communities who are facing obesity and its complications?

Note: the term communities is broad and may include specific age groups, at-risk groups, etc. Students should aim to approach this topic with a holistic mindset and critically understand the social, cultural, and economic influences behind obesity.

Students should also provide an organized list of APA-formatted citations and sources.

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