Nursing Work. 5pgs.

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NURS 810 Concept Analysis Paper

Using the standard concept analysis process, analyze a concept from either Paradigm 1 or Paradigm 2 by synthesizing literature related to the concept. Total 100

points. Minimum 5 pages for body of paper. Paper headings italicized in criteria below.

Criteria Excellent Good Average Fair Poor

Introduction: Aim of analysis. Identify what will be achieved by analyzing selected concept

5 points Thoroughly addressed the aim of the analysis and what will be included in the paper.

4 points Adequately addressed the aim of the analysis and what will be included in the paper.

3.5 points Minimally addressed the aim of the analysis and what will be included in the paper.

3 points Briefly addressed the aim of the analysis and what will be included in the paper.

0 points Did not include the aim of the analysis in the introduction

Concept definitions: Define selected concept using literature (at least 3 different disciplines with references)

15 points Thoroughly defines selected concept utilizing literature from 3 different disciplines.

12 points Adequately defines selected concept utilizing literature from 3 different disciplines.

10.5 points Minimally defines selected concept utilizing literature from less than 3 different disciplines.

9 points Briefly defines selected concept.

0 points Did not define selected concept utilizing literature.

Attributes: Clearly identify and define the attributes. Cite references for each attribute.

5 points Attributes of selected concept thoroughly identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

4 points Attributes of selected concept adequately identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

3.5 points Attributes of selected concept minimally identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

3 points Attributes of selected concept briefly identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

0 points Attributes of selected concept not defined.

Antecedents: Clearly identify and define the antecedents. Cite references for each antecedent.

5 points Antecedents of selected concept thoroughly identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

4 points Antecedents of selected concept adequately identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

3.5 points Antecedents of selected concept minimally identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

3 points Antecedents of selected concept briefly identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

0 points Antecedents of selected concept not defined.

Consequences: Clearly identify and define the consequences. Cite

5 points Consequences of selected concept thoroughly identified

4 points Consequences of selected concept

3.5 points Consequences of selected concept

3 points Consequences of selected concept briefly

0 points Consequences of selected concept not defined.



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references for each consequence.

and defined with appropriate reference citation.

adequately identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

minimally identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

identified and defined with appropriate reference citation.

Model case: Provide an example of a model case. State how each attribute is included in the case. Describe why the case is a model case.

10 points Model example case includes concept attributes. Thoroughly described attributes within model case and why case is considered model.

8 points Model example case includes concept attributes. Adequately escribed attributes within model case and why case is considered model.

7 points Model example case includes concept attributes. Minimally described attributes within model case and why case is considered model.

6 points Model example case provided but does not include concept attributes identification.

0 points Model example case not provided.

Borderline case: Provide an example of a borderline case. State how each attribute is included or not included in the case. Describe why the case is a borderline case.

10 points Borderline example case provided. Thoroughly described attributes included and not included within borderline case and why case is considered borderline.

8 points Borderline example case provided. Adequately described attributes included and not included within borderline case and why case is considered borderline.

7 points Borderline example case provided. Minimally described attributes included and not included within borderline case and why case is considered borderline.

6 points Borderline example case provided but does not include attribute identification.

0 points Borderline example case not provided.

Related case: Provide an example of a related case. State how each attribute is included or not included in the case. Describe why the case is a related case.

10 points Related example case provided. Thoroughly described attributes included and not included and why case is considered related.

8 points Related example case provided. Adequately described attributes included and not included and why case is considered related.

7 points Related example case provided. Minimally described attributes included and not included and why case is considered related.

6 points Related example case provided but does not include attribute identification.

0 points Related example case not provided.

Contrary case: Provide an example of a contrary case. State how each attribute is not included in the case. Describe why the case is a contrary case.

10 points Contrary example case provided. Thoroughly identified and described attributes that are not included in the case and why case is considered contrary.

8 points Contrary example case provided. Adequately identified and described attributes that are not included in the case and why case is considered contrary.

7 points Contrary example case provided. Minimally identified and described attributes that are not included in the case and why case is considered contrary.

6 points Contrary example case provided. Attributes not described why they are not included.

0 points Contrary example case not provided.



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Theoretical Definition: Write and explain your theoretical definition of the concept based on concept attributes

5 points Theoretical definition of concept thoroughly written and explained.

4 points Theoretical definition of concept adequately written and explained.

3.5 points Theoretical definition of concept minimally written and explained.

3 points Theoretical definition of concept written but not explained.

0 points Theoretical definition not included.

Empirical referents: Identify and describe how your concept will be measured. Include reference to measurement tools if applicable.

10 points Measurement of concept thoroughly identified and explained. References utilized.

8 points Measurement of concept adequately identified and explained. References utilized.

7 points Measurement of concept minimally identified and explained. References utilized.

6 points Measurement of concept briefly identified and explained. References not utilized.

0 points Measurement of concept not identified.

Scholarly paper: APA format. Minimum of 5 professional references used within body of paper. Less than 30% match in safe assign.

10 points Zero APA/grammar errors. Less than 30% match in safe assign.

8 points 1-5 APA/grammar errors. Less than 30% match in safe assign.

7 points 6-10 APA/grammar errors. More than 30% match in safe assign.

6 points 11-15 APA/grammar errors. More than 30% match in safe assign.

0 points Greater than 15 APA/grammar errors. More than 30% match in safe assign.

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