Nursing Trend And Issue Discussion

Reply 1

This is a question from the professor regarding our discussion


It is good that you are able to recognize and treat all patients the same no matter what. How would you handle a situation where one of your coworkers was not being sensitive to others race, sexual orientation or age?


Reply 2

Hi Jennifer

Nurses have a responsibility to engage in competent clinical practice. In the medical field, nurses are expected to offer quality care and protect the rights of patients. From the time newly graduated nurses start clinical practice, they must learn to navigate the complexities of the healthcare system associated with ethical conflicts. Therefore, nurses learn and understand the ANA Code of Ethics provisions to assist them in transitioning from being an academic student to a nurse.

Provisions in ANA’s Code of Ethics that Help in Transition from a Student to a Graduate Nurse

Although nurses are responsible for saving patient lives by providing quality care and medical treatment, they must identify some of the crucial codes of ethics that aid in the transition from a student to a new graduate nurse. The first and second provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics would be helpful in my transition. Provision one requires that nurses respects every individual’s worth, dignity, and unique attributes (Jacoby & Scruth, 2017). Therefore, by setting aside prejudices regarding distinct people, I can build a rapport with patients based on trust. Provision two expects the nurse’s commitment to be primarily on the patient. As a new graduate, I must prioritize the wellbeing of patients and ensure that I direct them to the resources and support they need.

How Adopting ANA Code of Ethics can Enhance Success in Clinical Practice

Nurses are exposed to issues of ethics and human rights within practice environments daily. The ANA Code of Ethics assists nurses in addressing complex issues within the care settings. The success of nurses in clinical practice is influenced by their ability to understand and implement the code’s provisions. Nurses who fail to follow the standards of care and adopt the ANA Code of Ethics contribute to errors in clinical practice that can harm or threaten the patient’s wellbeing. Nurses who adopt the code’s provisions maintain competency in clinical practice which enhances their chance of becoming successful.

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