Nursing paper




My idea of a healthy community is one where there are low
crime rates and good physical and emotional health. A healthy community should
promote well-being of its inhabitants in various ways such as: strong social
networks, clean water, pollution-free air, affordable quality healthcare, and
great schools. A healthy community is one that promotes well-being by
encouraging its residents to screen for illnesses for prevention to avoid the
burden of chronic disease.  Education
campaign should be organized to sensitize people about the most common
illnesses and educate them on how to avoid them to achieve a better life.
Resident should be aware of resources available to them in their community,
allowing them to feel safe. In my opinion, there is a strong relationship
between healthy people and strong communities.


A collaborative
effort is needed to promote a healthy community.  For example, I consider my community, Delta,
British Columbia a fairly healthy community overall, compared to most. It has a
very low crime rate. Delta municipality offers very good services to the public
regarding law enforcement, recreation, maintenance of public parks, recreation
areas and centers. There is regular night patrolling of police in all areas.
Public health services are extra ordinary in my community; community health
nurses identify vulnerable people from infant to senior, do regular health
visits, follow- up regularly. Postnatal mothers and infants get very good
services from public health nurses and paediatric nurses including the
provision of lots of free resources, Families with kids get reminder mails and
phone calls from community health nurses before the immunizations are  due.
There has been an improvement in air quality since the ban of smoking in
all public areas and tobacco free environment in schools colleges, and public
places few years ago. The community offers a number of Public Health Centers,
regional hospitals, great schools districts, public libraries, recreation
centers, fire stations, and police stations at walking distance for residents
of each community. There is also a variety of public parks, play ground and
recreation areas accessible to the general public at no cost or a small fee. I
believe in prevention and, in British Columbia and several agencies do a good
job conducting campaigns raising awareness regarding air and water pollution
throughout the year. Another excellent job is done by voluntary organizations
in the maintenance of each and every street in the community. In schools
teachers and children participate in various health programs with school nurses
and public health nurses. Some of the topics for creating awareness among
children are,




•Prevention of diseases through hand washing


•Protection of the environment


•Protection of heritage








Adolescents get health education regarding the ill effects
of smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug use. Teachers and school health nurses
offer sex education to them and provide relevant resources. In my view, these
topics are essential for children because they grow up to be responsible future
citizens who contribute positively to the family, community and nation.








In my view, healthy communities will have the following
components in common,




•Peace and order




•Low crime rates




•Good education systems




•Low unemployment rates




•Healthy public




•A stable ecosystem




•Pollution free environment including air and water.




•Food for everyone in the community




•Shelter for all people who live in the community




•Social justice




•Adequate resources for all like water, farmland, minerals,
industrial resources, plants, animals, etc.




•Creating awareness in people through health programs to maintain
health and wellness.
















As a result of increased awareness, many organizations
introduced a variety of health programs nationwide. For example, American
Public Health Association initiated strategies and programs that address the
social determinants of health — the social, economic, environmental and
psychological factors that influence individual and community health, to
promote healthy communities. (American Public Health Association. n .d.).








As a Community Health nurse, I would collaborate with
others, to identify the obstacles or barriers in the community and work to
reduce or erase them to achieve the target of
healthy community.  I would also
network with community leaders, other public health nurses, volunteers, school
nurses to promote health programs, initiate safety strategies, promote
education, provide as many resources available for health promotion, initiate
prevention strategies, provide health education to all age groups in the
community in order to reach the goal of a healthy community.
























American Public Health Association. (n .d.). Healthy
Communities. Retrieved from :









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Nursing paper

The following requirements correspond to the criteria in the assignment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point:

  1. Analyze organizational or system strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) in relation to the selected project aim.
    • Support the SWOT analysis with contextual information specific to the organization or health care system.
    • Identify and rate major known risks (low, medium, high risk) that could be barriers to the project.
    • Explain major assumptions for the project, including a description of logistical constraints that may affect the fidelity of the project.
  2. Summarize pertinent ethical considerations that may be encountered during the project.
    • Address protected health information, HIPAA, human subject considerations, equitable care, and appropriate use of data.
  3. Describe the communication strategies that will be used during the project.
    • Specify how the project manager will communicate to the executive sponsor, project team members, and stakeholders, including frequency of status updates, project team meetings, and so on.
    • Include descriptions of any visual tools or processes that will be used in communication such as Gemba walks, Gantt charts, dashboards, or safety cross.
  4. List proposed outcomes and corresponding metrics to measure the outcomes.
    • Operationally define outcome measures.
    • Operationally define process measures.
  5. Describe the purpose and use of the data collection plan.
    • Include a description of primary or secondary data, source, data integrity, and data security plan.
    • Attach a data collection tool in Excel appropriate for the data source and time frame for the project; include this as an appendix.

John is a doctor in Hope Geral hospital. The doctor has been working for five years. He started working in this hospital when he acquired his degree though this is the hospital in which he did his internship. Doctor John is the doctor in judge in Hope General Hospital. The doctor’s leadership style is transformational leadership. The doctor is focused on bringing change to the organization. Dr. John leads his team, and also he is a mentor to most nurses who are doing their intern in the organization, Dr. John takes at least three hours to monitor what the nurses in practice are doing and also he uses this time to guide them. The Dr is also friendly to the patient, and most patients have hi number, and they can call the doctor any time within the working hours for assistance. For emergency cases, the doctor has another number that patients use to call for help. The doctor works both within the organization and outside when the need arises.

Dr. John is a transformational leader; he communicates a lot with his team (Gray et al., 2017). He conducts a lot of open meetings; this is to allow his team members to express their views regarding the change the doctor he what to make. Since Dr. John was assigned as the doctor in judge, he has made a lot of changes within the organization. At first, the rate of readmission was 40%, but in the past five years, the rate has dropped by half.

The doctor has a vital role he is playing within the organization; the Dr ensures that every department is running effectively, and also he has a communication chain that helps him to gather information which can help the organization become more productive. Dr. John encourages a lot of teamwork. An example, in every ward, Dr. John ensures that there are three professionals from different departments who are delivering care to the patients.

I chose Doctor John as my preceptor because some time ago, I accompanied my father to the hospital, and his case required this particular doctor to attend to him. As the doctor as examining him, he sounded friendly and ready to explain to us every procedure my father will require, and also, he made us understand the health issue that was affecting my father. From this incident, I saw the doctor be the best mentor to me. Most people from my community also trust the doctor due to his good work. The doctor is in charge of the organization he has ensured that professions are comfortable within the organization and will the recruitment team members to focus on other things instead of recruiting professionals regularly. Due to the change today, patients are safe in HGH, and the patient outcome has improved significantly.

Different health care leaders have different strategies that can help an organization, but also patients can be of great help in giving views that will govern the organization (Nelson et al., 2015). The purpose of a health care organization is to achieve the patient outcome; therefore, to get to know what the patients can be of great help. When conducting health care, this can be the best time to understand what the patients need. Different patients have different needs, but the primary need is quality services; thus, from the many options the patient will give, the leader should choose the best views.

The leader can protect health issues; this is because the primary role of a health care leader is to ensure the organization can deliver quality services that help to achieve the patient outcome (Hannum et al., 2017). An example, falling has been an issue in most health care organizations. Looking at the problem, some organizations have overcome the issue while others have not. The difference is causes be the difference in governance. In HGH, the leader aims to make a change; thus, this leader has made proper strategies that will help him achieve this change, and results have been observed even though not to its maximum. Dr. John has been able to protect his team, which is to ensure that their jobs are secured.

Ethics can be an issue if a leader does not take a good look at the problem. Today HGH has all the principles of ethics; this has helped the organization to receive the patient had lost to the competitors. Dr. John, together with his team, when an issue arises, they discuss, and Dr. John makes the final decision. For many years the organization had problems with high recruitment, which affected a lot the organization’s productivity, but since Dr. John was chosen as a leader, this has reduced significantly.

The issue Dr. John has encountered regarding organization data is the lack of useful data. Dr. John, when he reported first at the office, a lot of data, especially the finance files, were missing at that time the organization was falling due to lack of funds. Dr. John is not sure what he was to do to help the organization because even the drugs were not available at the organization. Dr. John made strategies and got some money, which enabled him to manage the organization until it was stable. The finance issue affected the organization for about two years. Today the organization is trusted with the community, and also they receive a patient from other communities this shows that the organization is now stable

  1. Write coherently to support a central idea, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.

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