Nursing Informatics



You can abbreviate the Title of your paper in the Running head.

The Running head title and the page numbers should be in Times New Roman 12-pt font.






Title of Paper


Place 4 spaces between the Title and Your Name



Your Name (do not include RN or any credentials)

Keiser University

NUR4870 Nursing Informatics














First Line of Paper is Your Title


This paper must be a minimum of 6 pages NOT including the title page and reference page.  You must respond to each of the six (6) required questions/components for this paper. Your information should be comprehensive and well-detailed. Support your information with cited paraphrases from your sources. Minimum of five (5) references including two (2) scholarly nursing journal articles (published within the last 5 years), the course textbook, one ANA textbook, The Joint Commission Audio Podcast, and The Joint Commission Safe Health IT Saves Lives Video. All sources must be cited in correct APA format and references listed on the Reference page.

Research the Online Keiser Library for scholarly nursing journal articles. Additional sources can be additional ANA Essentials textbooks, additional scholarly nursing journal articles, or professional websites including .org and .gov websites. Please note the following sources are not accepted: Journal Article Abstracts, Dissertations, White Papers, other Textbooks or online textbooks, Books, Wikipedia, Wikis, blogs, YouTube Videos, Consumer Websites, other videos, com, .edu, and non-discipline supportive websites. . All citations and references are required to be in correct APA format.

Your paper should follow correct APA 7th edition format. An Abstract is NOT required for this paper. APA 7th edition format requires all papers to be double-spaced, aligned left, and in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Margins are indented one inch. This template will end each line appropriately. Indent each paragraph a half an inch. Include only one main idea per paragraph. Each paragraph needs to have a minimum of five to eight sentences. If you have a few very short paragraphs, think about whether they are really parts of a larger paragraph and can be combined, or whether you can add details to support each point and thus make each into a more fully developed paragraph.

Do not provide extra spacing between paragraphs or headings. This means do not double/double-space between topic headings and paragraphs. APA format papers are uniformly double-spaced throughout the paper. Spell out acronyms the first time you mention them and provide the acronym in parentheses. Then use the acronym without parentheses. APA style uses the author-date system for citing references in the text of your paper. This is an example for a parenthetical citation at the end of your paraphrase: (Smith & Jones, 2021, p. 189). Please note a period is NOT placed before the citation, it is placed after the citation. An example of a narrative citation: According to Smith and Jones (2021), your paraphrase… (p. 189). Paraphrase and do not use direct quotes. Please cite accordingly. Do not overcite and do not undercite. Please note providing one blanket citation at the end of a lengthy paragraph is not accepted in APA format. It is required to integrate in-text citations throughout your paragraphs. **Please read p. 9 in the APA 7th ed. Tutorial regarding overcitation and undercitation. This information is also in the APA 7th ed. Manual on pp. 256 to 269.

Use Table 8.1 ‘Basic Citation Styles’ on p. 266 to learn correct APA format for your narrative and parenthetical citations and the correct use of et al. Also, review the APA 7th ed. Tutorial and the APA 7th ed. Quick Guide located in the Getting Started tab under APA Resources. Please be sure to follow correct APA format for your references. Remember, all journal article references require the DOI. If the DOI is not available, you are to provide the direct URL link as the retrieval information, NOT the database URL from the Online Keiser Library such as ProQuest, Medline, PubMed, etc. DO NOT include the words “Retrieved from “ or the date of retrieval in your references.

APA Level 1 Topic Headings

This is the format for the remaining paragraphs through your conclusion. Center each topic heading. Do not capitalize articles (a, an, the) in headings unless they begin a title or follow a colon. APA Level 1 Topic Headings are required for this paper and most of your papers in your RN to BSN Program courses. Refer to page 48, Table 2.3 in the APA 7th ed. Manual for samples of APA Level 1 Topic Headings. You will have a heading for each component/question in this assignment. Topic Headings can be only one line in length so condense or shorten the component/question. DO NOT provide the entire component/question as your Topic Heading. APA Level 1 Topic Headings are provided in this template for you; however, please feel free to provide your own if you wish. Your summary must have a Level 1 Topic Heading of Summary.


Your summary should restate the main points you covered in your paper and any concluding thoughts you may have. The purpose is to tie together or integrate the various topics/issues you discussed in your paper. Your summary should reflect your interpretation or analysis of the topics. Your summary should reflect what you wanted the reader to learn from it. A summary is written in third-person point of view. It should not include any new ideas, information, or cited material from sources. Please read the assignment rubric for further details.

Strive to earn full credit for your work. Follow this template exactly. Read, understand, and follow the assignment guidelines exactly. Include all components. Read, download, and print the Grading Rubric. Read and follow the criteria requirements in the Grading Rubric exactly. Do your best work!



Please delete above important instructions in blue and these instructions in red and begin your paper at the top of this page starting with the Title of Your Paper as shown below. Delete all instructions on this page.


You can type directly in this Template. Please be sure to delete the instructions below.

Title of Your Paper

Start your text at the beginning of this line. Your first paragraph will be your introduction. Do not use a heading titled “Introduction” in APA format papers (American Psychological Association [APA], 2020, p. 39). Please note this Title is in “Title Case” format and this heading is in bold text, and centered. This is where you will write the introduction. The opening paragraph is your first chance to capture your readers’ attention. An interesting introduction will make the reader feel like you have something interesting to say and will make them want to continue reading your paper.

The introduction identifies the main topic you are addressing, which in this case focuses on the safe use of Health Information Technology (HIT) in nursing practice. It should state your intent, focus, and/or problem. The introduction indicates why the topic matters, and often signals the approach and the tone (or attitude) you will take in addressing the topic. The introduction should include the main idea of your paper and should present your interpretation of the topics in the assignment questions and supports your argument or position to the reader. Do not just list the topics. Provide a brief comment about each topic and explain how it relates to your paper. The opening paragraph provides a road map for your readers, alerting them to what they can expect as they travel through your paper. The introduction requires a Thesis Statement which focuses your ideas into one or two sentences. A statement at the end of your introductory paragraph is your Thesis Statement. The Thesis Statement should be a strong statement that includes your own critical thought, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the topics after you have researched the information in your paper. The Thesis Statement basically tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter you will be discussing and the outcome after providing the information about the topic. It can also address the point(s) you are attempting to prove. Sometimes it is easier to write your introduction and Thesis Statement after you complete your paper. The introduction should not be on a separate page.

Information in APA papers should be objective and factual, so they are written in third-person point of view. In this paper, Questions/Components 3 & 6 will be written in first-person point of view. Use third-person point of view for all other components. This is the preferred point of view for academic writing. It helps to make the writing objective and factual rather than subjective and opinionated by removing personal references. Use pronouns such as: the organization, the hospital, the patient, he, she, they, it, etc. Avoid using the words I, we, our, my, me, us, and you in academic and professional writing. When you use personal pronouns that are not necessary, you focus attention on yourself, rather than your ideas. You want your ideas to come across as factual, authoritative, and evidence-based, not personal.

After you write your introduction you will begin with the first APA Level 1 Topic Heading as noted below:

Health Information Technology Improves Patient Outcomes

Remember to discuss the information in third-person point of view for Questions 1, 2, 4, & 5. Questions 3 & 6 will be in first-person point of view. Third-person point of view puts you in the position of a third party or an onlooker. This is not easy, so it might take some time, but it is important to keep your paper objective. Support your statements with information from the required sources and any outside sources you have researched. You should refrain from using direct quotes in your paper as they are not accepted. Only one brief direct quote will be accepted. I am interested in your words, thoughts, ideas, and perspectives. Provide your words, thoughts, ideas, and perspectives and the information you have selected from the textbooks and literature to support or argue your ideas about the subject matter through your analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of the topics.

Health Information Technology Risks and How to Prevent Them

Start your second topic here. It is formatted with a first-line indent and double-spacing.

Strategies I Implement for Safe HIT to Provide Safe, High Quality Patient Care

Start your third topic here. It is formatted with a first-line indent and double-spacing. This section should be in first-person point of view.

How Technology Supports and Improves Nursing Education and Nursing Practice

Start your fourth topic here. It is formatted with a first-line indent and double-spacing.

Privacy, Confidentiality, Information-and-Data Privacy, and Information Security

Start your fifth topic here. It is formatted with a first-line indent and double-spacing. Be sure to include electronic health records (EHRs) and social networking.

What I Learned from This Assignment to Influence and Improve My Nursing Care

Start your sixth topic here. It is formatted with a first-line indent and double-spacing. This section should be in first-person point of view.


Do not start off with “In conclusion” or “In Summary” etc. The topic heading of Summary indicates this is the summary in an APA format paper. Provide a clear and concise summary at the end of your paper. A summary restates the main points you covered in your paper and any concluding thoughts you may have. The purpose is to tie together or integrate the various topics/issues you discussed in your paper. Do not introduce any new concepts or ideas that were not previously included in your paper. Do not provide any cited information. Do not include any famous quotes to end your paper. Maintain third-person point of view. Your summary should pull it all together for your reader. This is where you will revisit the points you were trying to make and let the reader know you made them. Do not, in any case, just restate what you said in the introduction. By reading your paper, one should come away with a deeper understanding and new knowledge and ideas about the central topic of your paper – Safe HIT Saves Lives. Your summary should reflect what you wanted the reader to learn from it.

When you are ready to Save your paper, click on File, then ‘Save As’ and name this document in the following format: Last Name First Name_NUR4870 Week 6 HIT Paper


Start your Reference Page on a new page below.


This page is already formatted in hanging indent format and double-spacing. Start your references at the beginning of this line. Do not double-space between each reference. Your reference page should look like this and be uniformly double-spaced throughout.

The word “References” is centered and bold, not italicized. Hit “Enter” only once at the end of each source’s entry only, and the cursor will be repositioned correctly to enter your next source. Notice that each entry is formatted with a hanging indent, meaning the lines after the first line are indented.

It is your responsibility to italicize, capitalize, parenthesize, and punctuate according to APA format rules. Guides and examples for italicizing, capitalizing, etc. are available in your APA 7th edition Manual and the APA 7th ed. Tutorial and APA 7th ed. Quick Guide located in the Getting Started tab under APA Resources.

Please note in APA format, references are required to be in alphabetical order.

APA 7th ed. format requires all journal article references to include the DOI in the article. If an article does not have a DOI, APA requires the direct URL link to the online article in the reference. Database URLs from the Online Keiser Library are not accepted in references. Please read and understand the APA Tutorial and the APA Quick Guide.

Below are the APA 7th ed. format references in you will need for two of the required sources in this paper – TJC Audio Podcast and TJC Video:

Howell, G. (Host). (2015-present). Take 5: Safe use of health information technology [Audio podcast]. The Joint Commission.


The Joint Commission. (2015). Safe health IT saves lives [Video]. Vimeo.








You can abbreviate the Title of


your paper in the Running head





Running h

ead titl

e and the page

numbers should be in Times New Roman 12

pt font.







Title of Paper





4 spaces between the


itle and Your Name




Your Name (do not include RN or any credentials)


Keiser University


NUR4870 Nursing Informatics


















You can abbreviate the Title of your paper in the Running head.

The Running head title and the page numbers should be in Times New Roman 12-pt font.






Title of Paper


Place 4 spaces between the Title and Your Name



Your Name (do not include RN or any credentials)

Keiser University

NUR4870 Nursing Informatics

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