Nursing homework help

Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

I decided to complete my BSN at this time because I recently graduated and got my Associate’s in Nursing in December last year. I knew it would be very hard to return back to school if I decided to take break and focus completely on family and work. Research indicates that nurses with BSN possess much safer skills, and are also better qualified to meet the demands of a complex health care system. So I decided to further my studies and skills now rather than later. Also, one is able to get more job opportunities and work in their desired feild when they have a Bachelor’s degree.

The only concern that I have about completing my degree right now is the time constraints. I am currently on active orders with California National Guard helping different counties and vaccinating people against Covid-19. It’s a full- time job and I work 10-12 hour shifts for five days a week. It will be little hard for me set time aside daily to work on my assignments. So I’m thinking about planning ahead and completing assignments well before they are due. That way I don’t stress too much about due dates and can finish this class with flying colors.

The most important strategy that I will implement is time management. It’s a big issue for me, especially now. In addition, I will use right study habits like planning, outlining important study materials, using my favourite learning style, minimizing distraction and understanding material instead of cramming information. Finally, I think taking breaks in between study time works great for me. I recently started using this strategy and I think it made me more productive and a more successful student.

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