nursing homework help

Outline for my paper. Below, it needs 8- 10 pages without a cover page. more detail to follow: WITH REFERENCES that is needed for this research paper


  1. Current Problem: A stem cell is ethically and politically controversial, whereas human life begins because it involves human embryos.
  2. Population/Area of Focus: Post undergraduate/ Researcher, clinician, experts, Finding and Funding diseases, illnesses, and the benefit in medicines.
  3. Key Terms: Embryonic stem cell, Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs)
  4. Thesis Statement: With proper finding and funding, researchers, clinicians, and experts interesting in stem cell research, doctors, and scientists will better grasp how diseases and illnesses developed and significantly benefit in revolutionizing medicines.
  5. Historical Employment Overview:
  6. Historical Healthcare Overview:
  7. Current Link between Education and Employment Type:
  8. I. Major Point 1: Stem cells origins
    a. Minor Point 1: stem cells as raw materials (Eggleson, 2012).
    b. Minor Point 2: Benefits of therapeutic cells (Madigan and Atou, 2018)
    II. Major Point 2: Stem cell Funding
    a. Minor Point 1: ).Stem cells as developers of new generative medicines(Driscoll et al., 2017).
    b. Minor Point 2: stem cell effect to diseases (Morizane and Brundin, 2008).
    III. Major Point 3: Stem cells in advance medicines
    a. Minor Point 1: Stem cell and diabetes diseases(Soria, 2008).
    b. Minor Point 2: Stem cell and humanity ( (Eggleson, 2012).
    IV. Major Point 4: Stem cell and researcher
    a. Minor Point 1: Researchers, stem cell and myocardial diseases(Madigan and Atoui, 2018),
    b. Minor Point 2: Stem cell and Parkinson’s disease (Morizane and Brundin, 2008).
  9. Restatement of Thesis: With proper finding and funding, researchers, clinicians, and experts interesting in stem cells, doctors, and scientists will better grasp how diseases and illnesses developed and significantly benefit in revolutionizing medicines.

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