Nursing homework help

Discussion 2: Personal Leadership Profile

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Reflection on the Results of the Assessment

The leading five Signature Themes of my talent from Gallup’s Strengths Finder assessment are connectedness, context, competition, restorative, and individualization. I concur with the first theme because I believe that everything in life happens for a reason (Northouse, 2017). I am fond of connecting things or an event to another event that occurred earlier on in life. I am someone who believes in the contest as one way of growing my capabilities. Therefore, I like to compare my performance with that of other people, and because of this, I agree that I strive in competition just like the results revealed.

I agree that I am highly interested in history or the past. When faced with an issue that needs to be solved, I use the experience to solve it. In short, I am someone who believes in precedence (Yoost & Crawford, 2015). I use the experience of the past thinkers to solve prevailing issues that I am faced with today as I believe that experience is the best teacher. I am someone who does not run away from my problems but faces them head-on. Many of my friends have uploaded me for my problem-solving skills because I can listen, find the root cause of the problem and then adopt the best way to mitigate the issue. Because of this, I agree with the assessment results, which revealed that I am restorative. The results also indicate that I am an individualized person (Murray, 2017). This is true because I have an exceptional talent for understanding people and forging a relationship with them. The ability to understand different people has enabled me to help people work together in teams.


Murray, E. (2017).  Nursing Leadership and Management: For Patient Safety and Quality Care. Philadelphia, PA:  F. A. Davis.

Northouse, P. (2017). Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA:  SAGE.

Yoost, B., & Crawford, L.  (2015). Fundamentals of Nursing –E-Book: Active Learning for Collaborative Practice. New York:  Elsevier Health Sciences.

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