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DHA Prospectus Form


Students | Complete your doctoral prospectus within this form. Write your responses in the white spaces using a scholarly tone and include in-text citations and APA reference entries where appropriate. You can click on underlined terms and headings for descriptions, resource links, and examples located in the Appendix. For additional prospectus information and resources, refer to the Doctoral Research Coach. Complete the Research Design Alignment Table within this form using the information from earlier sections and self-assess your research design alignment. Submit this completed form into MyDR for formal evaluation and feedback when your committee chair indicates that you are ready to do so.


Student’s Name | Sherri Williams Student ID | A01031204

Program and Specialization* | DDHA 8246 Submission Date | 12/20/2021

*Remember that your study focus must be within the realm of your program and specialization area.




Evaluators Only | Complete this section and provide feedback on responses and rubric scores in the form where noted.


Committee Chairperson Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Overall Assessment: Choose score.

Second Committee Member Name: Click or tap here to enter text. Overall Assessment: Choose score.

PhD Program Director: Click or tap here to enter text. Overall Assessment: Choose score.



In 12 words or less, what is the working title for this study? Include the topic, variables and relationship between them, and the most critical key words.

Obstacles to fair access to high-quality health care for rural populations
Supporting Literature

The first step in developing your prospectus is to search the literature related to the general area related to healthcare administration you want to investigate (see social problem below). In your review of recent, empirical literature, what keywords did you search and in what databases?

The keywords and databases searched included Replace this text with your response.
Search Log
Database Search Terms Results Notes
Google Scholar HealthCare Costs, Benefits, Cost Control, Transportation, Health Barriers, Challenges 460,000 Too Broad
Google Scholar HealthCare Costs, Benefits, Cost Control, Transportation, Health Barriers, Challenges 17,700 Still Too Broad
ProQuest Transportation in rural areas 1234 Better relevant to the topic



Provide at maximum of 10 brief summaries of recent, scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles and empirical literature. The summaries should include: a) 3 – 5 brief summaries within the last 5 years that justify a current and relevant problem in your discipline or professional field; b) article(s) that support your theoretical/conceptual framework; c) article that supports your Nature of the Study section; d) additional articles that support that your problem is current and relevant to your discipline or professional field for a total of 10 brief summaries.


Include the complete, APA reference entry and (a) an in-text citation; (b) what was studied; (c) what was found; and (d) why this research is important in relation to your study. This evidence provides the justification for your research problem.

HSO Justification Literature

Three annotated literature summaries

Zahnd, W. E., Murphy, C., Knoll, M., Benavidez, G. A., Day, K. R., Ranganathan, R., … & Eberth, J. M. (2021). The intersection of rural residence and minority race/ethnicity in cancer disparities in the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(4), 1384.

Zahnd et al. (2021) investigated how racial and ethnic segregation of rural people affect access to healthcare. According to the research, the Black and American Indian or Alaska people in the rural areas are impoverished and have inadequate access to services, making them more likely to get cancer and have inferior cancer treatment and survival results. Segregation impacted access to conventional sources of health care the greatest. More study is needed to understand better inequities for all rural racial/ethnic minority communities.

Ford, J. A., Jones, A. P., Wong, G., Clark, A., Porter, T., & Steel, N. (2017). P31 access to primary care for socio-economically disadvantaged older people in rural areas.

Ford et al. (2017) examined the difficulties socio-economically disadvantaged older people have while seeking primary care in rural areas. They noted that most rural populations are socio-economically disadvantaged and lack access to quality health care. They observed that the experience of rural, low-income older people seeking primary care might get characterized in terms of a social contract. The patient commits not to bother the doctor in exchange for more kindness if they become ill. When clients went to primary care, the perceived social contract got frequently broken due to congested phone lines, appointment availability, and contacts with receptionists. While adjusting save money in primary care, commissioners and practitioners must Keep in mind the social contract and care models that many older persons use to connect with the service.

Douthit, N., Kiv, S., Dwolatzky, T., & Biswas, S. (2015). Exposing some important barriers to health care access in the rural USA. Public health129(6), 611-620.

According to Douthit et al. (2015), The availability of healthcare in The U. S’s rural areas got explored. They discovered that healthcare access issues had a significant impact on healthcare outcomes. According to the study’s findings, access to care varies substantially across rural and urban locations. Due to cultural and societal restraints, many individuals in rural regions are hesitant to seek medical treatment. There is a lack of services in remote areas and insufficient public transit, a scarcity of trained physicians, and a local internet connection. Rural inhabitants have poorer health due to their inability to attract and retain physicians and maintain the same quality of service delivery as urban areas.



HSO Problem Supporting Sources

Several barriers prohibit rural residents from having equal access to high-quality healthcare, resulting in poor treatment of rural communities that are socio-economically disadvantaged.


Del Rio, M., Hargrove, W. L., Tomaka, J., & Korc, M. (2017). Transportation Matters: A Health Impact Assessment in Rural New Mexico. International journal of environmental research and public health14(6), 629.




Framework Literature

Health Costs The rural community is affected by several factors and is not the same for urban. The framework of rural community consists of place, location, culture, individuals, education, health, socioeconomic status, accessible health services. They are interconnected and affect each other.

Donato, Emily, (2015), An evolving rural health conceptual framework


Nature of Study Literature Methods and Analysis

Older adults have more barriers to getting healthcare. This study will allow elder adults in rural to vocalize on their experiences. Research can provide information in a discussion forum where they can express their views about the current healthcare system.


Goins RT, Williams KA, Carter MW, Spencer M, Solovieva T. Perceived barriers to health care access among rural older adults: a qualitative study. J Rural Health. 2005 Summer;21(3):206-13. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-0361. 2005.tb00084.x. PMID: 16092293.



Nature of Study Literature Dataset

Dependent riders provide a great percentage of medical, or trips will provide more benefit per trip. Providing a trip to someone who would not be able to travel is high.


Mattson, Jeremy, (July 2014), Cost Benefit Analysis of Rural and small Urban Transit


Rubric Standard | Justified > Is evidence presented that this problem is significant to the discipline and/or professional field?

What was the social problem and the healthcare administration problem that prompted you to search the literature to find out more? Write in complete sentences using a scholarly tone.

Living in a rural area I see firsthand the cost of healthcare and the challenges and barriers that come with living in a rural popilation.
Based on all of the above justification and supporting information (literature, social problem, healthcare administration problem), in one sentence, what is your operational/ research problem ?
The purpose of the study is to look at the different challenges that block equitable access to high-quality healthcare in rural areas and possible solutions.


Now that you have read and summarized some of the recent literature, what meaningful gap in the literature that aligns with your HSO research problem your study will address? (What is still not known?)
Rural areas vs urban communities have a higher risk for poor health outcomes
Rubric Standard | Meaningful > Has a meaningful problem and gap in the research literature been identified?


Rubric Standard | Original > Does this doctoral study have potential to make an original contribution?


To address your stated research problem, what is the purpose of your study? Will you compare, explore, examine, etc.? Complete the purpose sentence below and be sure to clarify your dependent and independent variables of interest.

The purpose of this quantitative study is to study the obstacles facing fair access to high-quality healthcare for rural populations. Rural regions have suffered a population loss, even though roughly one in five Americans reside there (Okkels, et al., 2018). As a result of economic and social issues, many rural areas have been left with insufficient infrastructure, an aging population, and an overextended healthcare system. Reduced access to preventive care and there have been barriers in rural population and population that are insured. Barriers of preventive care in rural populations are not understood. This purpose will show barriers and access to preventive care among adults and children.



Framework (Conceptual or Theoretical)

What theory(ies) and/or concept(s) support (frame) your study and who are the original authors? Provide an in-text citation with your response, and the complete APA reference entry with summary in the Supporting Literature section.


The theories and/or concepts that ground this study include the ecological health theory and the health care seeking behavior framework (HSB). The ecological theory examines the interaction between individuals, the social and physical environment and how it affects their healthcare statuses. The ecological theory of healthcare recognizes individual factors and behaviors that influence their health such as education levels, beliefs and personal perceptions. The theory also encompasses interpersonal factors such as interactions with other people and how it affects the health wellness of individuals (Ryvicker, 2017) . Other considerations included in the ecological theory in healthcare include community factors, government policies and organizational factors. The ecological model theory helps in identifying the different factors with an environment that enhance or hinder accessibility to health services. It is critical in identifying the healthcare disparities existing within different communities. The healthcare system in the United States is complex and citizens are required to have prerequisite skills that can bolster their access to healthcare (Ryvicker, 2017). Consequently, their immediate environment exerts influence on how they access health.



Ecological Theory/Model








Interpersonal factors

Individual factors



Community factors

Organizational factors






Health accessibility/inaccessibility






The heal

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