Nursing homework help



Top of Form

Identify three major components of the Medicare and Medicaid programs and, based on these components, identify at least two patient coverage gaps for each of the programs. Be clear when you describe the coverage and the gaps as they may relate to specific ages, patient populations, or disease entities. Use primary sources to identify the components and the gaps. Additionally, discuss your stand (criticize or defend) regarding the relevance of the Social Security program to the American public. Should the program be left alone, modified, drastically changed, or eliminated? Provide the rationale and use facts to defend your position.

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Due Wednesday

Week 7: In Support


Top of Form

This week, post your supportive stance presentations to the this thread by Wednesday. Title your post with your name, issue and stance. For example:  Smith_LateTermAbortion_Supportive

· Post your videos in each forum by clicking on the Mashup tool>Kaltura. Find your video in My Media and select it. 

Once videos start to get posted, choose two peer videos per viewpoint to ‘debate’ with. Argue against the position they have taken (whether you personally agree with it or not) and state major reasons why you are opposing their viewpoint. Do some research if you need to and support your opinions with evidence!

· Try to make sure you choose a student that does not have a debate already going. If all students have a debate, then you may piggyback onto another.

Post both your initial videos and your rebuttals by Wednesday of this week. Continue the debates between Wednesday and Sunday (don’t forget to go into your own thread and respond to people who are debating you!)  You have the option of completing a text or video rebuttal. If you choose to use video, use Kaltura to record yourself (PowerPoint is not necessary).

Whether you choose text or video, make sure you are debating in a scholarly manner, and follow the rules of netiquette outlined below. You may provide opinions, but you must support your opinions with evidence.

· No personal attacks or name calling. This is not a place to vent. Remember that tone comes across very differently online than it does face to face.

· Stay on topic. Support your assertations with evidence, and politely challenge those who are presenting claims without evidence.


· If you feel yourself getting upset, step away from the post! Save your draft and come back later.

· Add emoticons where needed. Normally, a scholarly forum does not allow emoticons, but if you feel you need to clarify your tone, add where appropriate. Smile

Including your video submissions, you should have a minimum of 8 posts, however you are encouraged to participation to the fullest in order to keep the debate lively.

· Post a video in both threads (2 posts)

· You should respond to 2 peers in the supportive thread (2 responses)

· You should respond to 2 peers in the opposition thread (2 responses)

· You should respond to the people who are commenting on your video (minimum 2 responses)

Complete all your debates by Sunday, 11:59 PT of week 7.

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Due Wednesday


Week 7: In Opposition


Top of Form

This week, post your opposing stance presentations to the this thread by Wednesday. Title your post with your name, issue and stance. For example:  Smith_LateTermAbortion_Opposition 

· Post your videos in each forum by clicking on the Mashup tool>Kaltura. Find your video in My Media and select it. 

Once videos start to get posted, choose two peer videos per viewpoint to ‘debate’ with. Argue against the position they have taken (whether you personally agree with it or not) and state major reasons why you are opposing their viewpoint. Do some research if you need to and support your opinions with evidence!

· Try to make sure you choose a student that does not have a debate already going. If all students have a debate, then you may piggyback onto another.

Post both your initial videos and your rebuttals by Wednesday of this week. Continue the debates between Wednesday and Sunday (don’t forget to go into your own thread and respond to people who are debating you!)  You have the option of completing a text or video rebuttal. If you choose to use video, use Kaltura to record yourself (PowerPoint is not necessary).

Whether you choose text or video, make sure you are debating in a scholarly manner, and follow the rules of netiquette outlined below. You may provide opinions, but you must support your opinions with evidence.

· No personal attacks or name calling. This is not a place to vent. Remember that tone comes across very differently online than it does face to face.

· Stay on topic. Support your assertations with evidence, and politely challenge those who are presenting claims without evidence.


· If you feel yourself getting upset, step away from the post! Save your draft and come back later.

· Add emoticons where needed. Normally, a scholarly forum does not allow emoticons, but if you feel you need to clarify your tone, add where appropriate.


Including your video submissions, you should have a minimum of 8 posts, however you are encouraged to participation to the fullest in order to keep the debate lively.

· Post a video in both threads (2 posts)

· You should respond to 2 peers in the supportive thread (2 responses)

· You should respond to 2 peers in the opposition thread (2 responses)

· You should respond to the people who are commenting on your video (minimum 2 responses)

Complete all your debates by Sunday, 11:59 PT of week 7.

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Due Wednesday


Week 4: Approval of Your Topic


Top of Form

Review the current literature and select an ethical issue (a problem) in health care and the resolution to the issue. You will be posting two videos from both the supporting and opposing viewpoints.  Post your chosen ethical issue here for approval. You must choose an original issue- if your issue is already chosen y tructor may ask you to choose again. Post early in the week to secure your chosen issue. Reply to this thread with your name and issue in the subject area.

For example:   Smith_MandatoryHIVTesting

Include a brief summary of the resolution you will present, both in support and in opposition of the issue. Make sure to check that your project was approved!

Points: 10

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Due Sunday


Elected Official Mock Interview

Select an elected state or federal official (legislator) and examine this legislator’s position on a current health care bill of your choice. Following the assignment guidelines below, develop an interview paper as if you were going to interview the legislator. Please note: A current health bill is a bill that is actively going through the legislative process and has not become law yet.

Your mock interview paper should include:

· A description of the legislator’s background and history of political involvement

· A detailed summary of the legislator’s current political involvement, constituent groups, number of terms in office, committee responsibilities, and other leadership experiences

· A description of the legislator’s current policy agenda or judicial interest

· 3–4 key interview questions that relate to the health care bill (legislation) you have chosen

· Mock answers to your interview questions. Investigate the answers to your interview questions by looking at the legislator’s website, calling the legislator’s office and speaking with a member of the staff, and/or looking for information and quotes that relate to the legislator’s position on the legislation

· Critical insights, analysis, and personal reflection

· APA format (6th ed.), proper grammar, and references as appropriate

The mock interview paper should be at least 3–4 pages of content (excluding the title and reference pages), typed in Times New Roman using 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. The cover page and references are not counted as content paDue Sunday,








Due Wednesday

Course 521

Discussion 2


Top of Form

Read the following article and view the video on the same case.  How can this example be used as an illustration of maintaining patient safety and  providing safe, effective care?  Identify some of the possible barriers that nurses face when acting on what they believe to be the morally correct action in this particular case.

Must log in video in the section to watch







Discussion 1


Top of Form

Apply the differences between negligence and malpractice to the practice of nursing.  Provide examples to illustrate your points.

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Due Sunday

Choose one of the articles below, and address the essay prompt associated with it. You will need to log in to the WCU library to access the full article.

Park, M. (2009). Ethical issues in nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Law, 13(3), 68-77. doi:10.1891/1073-7472.13.3.68 Link:   Ethical issues in nursing practice  

Essay Prompt: Identify primary areas for legal and ethical issues faced by oncology nurses in this study (Park, 2009), and strategies they may have developed to work with those ethical issues.

Or, Croke, E. (2006). Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 17(3), 3.

Link:  Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts

Essay Prompt: Identify primary problems that led to the malpractice suits (Croke, 2006), and identify the role the nurse played and what the nurse did wrong.



Your 1-2 page paper should include adhere to APA formatting and references/ citations for the article.  Additional sources are optional.

Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.

Due: Sunday,

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