Nursing homework help

Please do a 1 to 2-page case study analysis. In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following:

•           Both the neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms.

•           Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning.

•           How these processes interact to affect the patient.

· 4 APA style citations needed


Scenario 2: Patient is a 24-year-old female administrative assistant who comes to the emergency department with a chief complaint of severe right-sided headache. She states that this is the sixth time in the last 2 months she has had this headache. She says the headaches last 2–3 days and have impacted her ability to concentrate at work. She complains of nausea and has vomited three times in the last 3 hours. She states, “the light hurts my eyes.” She rates her pain as a 10/10 at this time. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen ease her symptoms somewhat but do not totally relieve them. No other current complaints.


Please see below some information in regards to migraine to develop this paper ONLY Informative please don’t plagiarize


Symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, severe right-sided headache, photophobia, and long lasting headaches to about 2-3 days are characterized with Migraine. Thus, Migraine refers to neurological condition which causes numerous symptoms. Its often characterized with headaches which are intense and deliberating. Furthermore,symptoms associated with the condition include light and sound sensitivity, tingling and numbness, vomiting, nausea, and difficulty while speaking. Migraine affect families and can affect any age group.

Some ethnic and racial viables affect physiological functioning. For instance, as shown in the scenario above, migraine headache prevalence varies by race. Among women, migraine prevalence among Caucasians women(20.4%) was higher compared to African women(16.2%) or Asian(9.2%) Americans. Similarly, in men prevalence of migraine was as follows: 8.6%, 7.2%, and 4.2 %. Among African Americans, cases of vomiting and nausea were less, but reported higher levels of headache pain. On the contrary, African Americans were less disabled by the attacks as compared to Caucasians. Additionally, there lacked statistically significant distinction in associated traits between Asian Americana and Caucasian migraineurs. Caucasians record highest cases of Migraine prevalence in the US as compared to African Americans which comes next followed by Asian Americans. Although, differences in diet, symptom reporting, as well as socioeconomic status may contribute to differences in the estimated prevalence, race cases are more likely to dominate as an explanatory factor.


Causes of Migraine.

They include:

change in hormones among women

Hormonal medications like hormone replacement therapy or oral contraceptives, estrogen fluctuations like during and before menstrual periods, menopause, or pregnancy are the cause of headache. Nowadays, women minimize effects of migraine easily through the use of medication drinks such as wine, alcohol, and coffee.


Any stress related to work or home might cause migraines.

Physical factors

migraines might be invoked by intense physical exertion like sexual activity.


Vasodilators and oral contraceptives like nitroglycerin can cause migraines aggravation.

Food additives

Components such as preservative monosodium glutamate(MSG) and sweetener aspartame can lead to migraine aggravation.


Crawford, M. R., Espie, C. A., Luik, A. I., Taylor, H. L., Burgess, H. J., & Ong, J. C. (2017). 0338

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