NSG330 Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning

Grading Criteria for Partner Complete Health History Paper


Student Name:__________________________________________ Date:____________________

Format Possible Points Student’s Score
Paper is typed and turned in on time, with coversheet


Words in history are selected by student and not copied directly from a textbook.


Content Possible Points Student’s Score
Biographical Data, Source and Reliability of Information, Reason for Seeking Care are complete.


History of Present Illness is written in paragraph form.

Present health included.


Past Medical History, Past Surgeries and Hospitalizations, Medications and Allergies listed, with dates.


Social History (Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, marital , including health status.


Construction of Genogram


Review of Systems – discuss each system and use abbreviated format, not complete sentences 30  
Functional Assessment (Including Activities of Daily Living) 15  
Total 100 points Actual points =


Student may use pages 29 to 36 in Jarvis Student Laboratory Manual as reference guide

Student may also use end of Chapter 28 in Jarvis textbook as guide and samples of health histories (Pg 778-782)

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